Tuesday, 30 July 2019

Newlife 0.5.1

Hello everyone!

Newlife 0.5.1 has been released. Early-access Patrons can find it in the creations section here. The changelog is below.

The previous version is now public. You can download it using the links on the right-hand side of the blog. The public version's changelog is here.

As usual, saved files & templates from older versions probably won't work with newer ones. 

For new players - just use one of the links to the right to get a zipfile containing Newlife. Once unzipped, you'll see a folder containing .jar and .exe files. Either one of these will run the game. 

For either version you'll need to have Java installed. A lot of programs use Java so you might well already have it. If the jar shows up as an unrecognised file type, then you probably don't. In that case you can get it from http://www.java.com/
The exe should tell you if you don't have the right version on your computer, but you'll still need to install java to run the game.
There's a guide for new players here which includes some troubleshooting tips for installation & downloading.

This release focuses on updates to the careers framework that will be needed to allow other careers to be added.


Major changes & additions:
  • Updated the job framework to support job-switching. The PC now starts unemployed, has to interview for her sales job, and can quit to become unemployed again or to be a full-time housewife.
Minor changes:
  • As suggested by NoName, the PC no longer has the option to let her partner name a new baby if he knows it was conceived from cheating.
  • Bitchy characters can name a newborn son after his real father, if she's in a relationship, her partner isn't the biological father, and it isn't a cuckoo baby. This causes a substantial hit to her partner's liking towards her.
  • Increased the base score for PIV auto-sex as well as the bonus for being with an attractive man as several people had reported that it was too hard to reach orgasm in quicksex.
  • Made some improvements to add more variation to the male-dominant-sex-scene NPC sex-talk action, as requested by Wisdom on Discord.
  • Increased the liking penalty for unfriending someone.
  • Following some comments by -Artemis-, gave a bonus to the chance a likes-to-share boyfriend will be ok with the PC getting pregnant by another man, but only when he's ok with becoming a dad.
  • Changed infidelity confessions to use th “severe” text if the PC got pregnant from cheating. This should resolve an issue reported by saint-destiny where the more extreme cheating has timed-out so the pc confesses to just doing a bit of kissing... and getting pregnant.
  • Slightly increased the post-orgasm arousal for hard-to-please characters so it's less likely to drop down below the ready-for-sex level.
Changes for user-submitted content:
  • Added methods to directly set arousal to various levels, as requested by Eulexia: e.g. setArousalComfort()
  • Added isNakedExceptLegwear() methods to the PC and female-npc, as requested by Eulexia.
  • Added an optional transitionInfo parameter getReadyForDate to the TOWN_DATE transition. This can be set to true to start the date at the “getting ready” section.
  • Fixes to text issues. Thanks to Saur, Classique75, ChaosBlade, madcat and Saint Destiny for reporting some of these.
  • Fixed an oversight with the “a breakup would be hard on your kids” text where it wasn't counting cuckoo babies.
  • Fixed a bug reported by Secondarian where cuckoo babies weren't counting towards “have x children” vows.
  • Fixed an issue reported by NoName where the text for your partner discovering a cuckoo baby when you give birth assumed you were at home, when it's possible that you're in the hospital instead.
  • Fixed a bug reported by Pen where an invalid condition could cause the cooking scene to error.
  • Fixed a bug where the officeHarass scene was using the weight modifier from lowlivesAlleySex.
  • Fixed an error reported by Saur where flirting with the cooking instructor could lead to both “invite home” actions being available when they're intended to be mutually exclusive.

Enjoy the new version, and let me know if you find any bugs! 

1 comment:

  1. Oh, suggestion. "One and Done" flag for PCs who really just wants to end sex once she's had hers.
