Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Newlife 0.3.8 released

Hello everyone!

Version 0.3.8 of Newlife is finished and I've released it on Patreon. Early-access Patrons can find it in the creations section here. The changelog is below.
That also means that the 0.3.7 release has been made public. I've updated the links here on the blog, so you can download it now from here. The 0.3.7 changelog is here.

As usual, saved files & templates from older versions probably won't work with newer ones. 

For new players - just use one of the links to the right to get either the jar or the exe version. You only need one or the other - not both. I recommend trying the jar first.

For either version you'll need to have Java installed. A lot of programs use Java so you might well already have it. If the jar shows up as an unrecognised file type, then you probably don't. In that case you can get it from http://www.java.com/
The exe should tell you if you don't have the right version on your computer, but you'll still need to install java to run the game.
There's a guide for new players here which includes some troubleshooting tips for installation & downloading.

Here's the full changelog for 0.3.8:

  • Fixes to text issues. Thanks to Cubano, Ignis, Death25, Souldead341, The Observer and Nonono222 for reporting problems they found.
  • Changed the scene description for the doggy scene to solve a problem reported by Cubano where condom-specific text could never appear because they get removed at the end of orgasm processing.
  • Added a new possibility for the male orgasm text in the cowgirl sex scene which can trigger for romantic girls in some situations.
  • Following a forum post by gravifan89, added new cheat options to start with higher skill levels.
  • Neither you nor the man now has access to condoms in the shower. The relevant actions are disabled for shower makeouts.
  • Restricted the men's ability to get back on top of you after you straddle them. This is now blocked the same turn you've taken the “straddle” action or any of the other actions that lead directly to cowgirl sex.
  • Following a suggestion by Cubano, modified what the player says when she asks a guy to pull out if she's pregnant or on the pill. Also added a new category for her reaction when he lies or fails to pull out where she's more inclined to forgive him in that situation. “Safe days” are not included in either of those situations, as they still aren't 100% safe. However, forgetful or unusual body chemistry girls on the pill are included as the pc herself is assumed not to be aware that she isn't fully protected.
  • Fixed a problem with the porn movie scene reported by Kao Rock where some gender-bender text was being shown for female-start characters and added some alternative text for them.
  • Added an short alternative branch to the “trying on sexy outfits” path of the shopping befriend scene. This has fairly specific requirements so it won't show up very often, but I think it'll be a fun one when it does.
  • Fixed a bug reported by Cubano that caused problems if the treasure-hunting event triggered when the player had been treasure-hunting before and has no boyfriend.
  • Also fixed a bug I found while fixing the above bug where the treasure-hunting event couldn't trigger if the treasure-hunter was your boyfriend, even if you'd had the event with him before when he was just a friend.
  • Added a new random event chain.

Enjoy the new version, and let me know if you find any bugs!


  1. Alright, bit out of the blue here and i understand of that isnt the creators cup of tea, but i was wondering if at some point some "backdoor" option might be added for some scene. If there are any for now i havent seen then yet, and if its on a list of "Things not going to appear in the game" then i apologize for asking, as i obviously did not know.

    1. If by "backdoor" you mean anal, then that was the option that came in second place during the most recent backer's vote. If that is not what you meant, then perhaps asking questions cloaked behind vague euphemisms might not be the best way to get the information you want.

    2. Oh my mistake, i did indeed mean backdoor. Did not think i was being that vague but then again english aint my first spoken language. So second place huh? Interesting.

    3. Anal isn't one of my preferences so it isn't on the core development plan. However, it isn't on the "definitely not" list of things that I'll never add for any reason either. That means It'll only be added if it wins a patron vote for "prove me wrong" or a similar milestone.

    4. Yeah, if you want to see it, make a pledge, get in on the vote. Should be in the next week or so IIRC. Every vote counts, and if enough people like you join in we can get anal above "submissive content" - seriously, I don't want that to win. Like 2/3 of the game so far can be considered "submissive," let's get something actually *new* added!

  2. How does one get friendship events? That is, after befriending people.

    1. Pray to the RNG.

    2. There's only a couple so far, and they all have particular requirements based on the friends traits and yours.

  3. Are there any plans for some time in the future, which I understand may be far away, to have events where either you find out that your BF is cheating on you or that he finds out that you are cheating on him?

    1. Sounds like SP plans on including consequences for cheating in the "Relationships" update, which I *think* is coming up next? I can't remember for sure though

    2. Yes, with the relationship update.
      The order of updates is based on voting, so we won't know what's next until friendship is nearly done and I run a patron vote to decide what to move onto afterwards.

  4. Any chance of an in-game debug option of sorts that re-generates all the potential partners or are we basically stuck with starting a new game? Sometimes the RNG give you nothing but a bunch of average unattractive schmoes

    1. Probably not, re-creating the npcs could cause all kinds of issues. There's around 20 in a full game though so unless you're looking for something very specific you should find someone to your liking.
      If you want men your character finds attractive, try going to the gym. At the moment your tastes in men's bodies tend towards the conventional so the muscular gym guys will often include some the pc rather likes.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. And if you *are* looking for something very specific, the Patreon fund is currently $50.48 (who donates 2 cents...?) away from the milestone for the NPC-creator feature!

  5. Great release so far, and I'm happy to be able to see the changes in 3.7!

    So yeah, some suggestions.

    The "Have a serious talk" feels a little under-utilized to me. I think it can be a great way to modify relationships. You can have things like:

    "I want to have a baby" - With guys who want children, will improve their feelings toward you and make them more likely to not use protection/not pull out. With guys who don't want children, will lower their feelings, even scare them away.

    "Let's move in together." - Invites the guy to move in and actually have sleeping clothes over, so he won't be sleeping naked all the time (and won't have to do the walk of shame all the time). May cause complications when you bring home another guy though.

    "I want to have a threesome/gangbang." - a way to have the multiple partner sex people have been asking for? Make it so it's the guy who arranges it?

    Also what about nudist personality characteristics both for the PC and the NPCs? I have to go through so many actions to have both of them naked at the apartment all the time. :P

    1. Threesomes are one of the options in the upcoming patron vote.

      Hopefully the other things you mentioned will be included in the Relationships update... suppose we'll have to wait and see

    2. Much of what you suggest will come with the relationship update. That's why "serious talk" got implemented as a two-stage action for just 2 possibilities instead of "tell him you're pregnant with his baby" and "tell him you love him" being independent actions. Eventually serious talks will include all kinds of relationship things, including breaking up with him.

      Threesomes are unlikely to be added in a general way. The complexity of a 2-person scene is already very high and they're slow to write. Adding a third character would exponentially increase that and it would probably not be realistic to add to the game - I could probably add 4 2p sex scenes in the time it would take to add a single 3p one and they'd be much easier to maintain with future updates too.

      Any 3p content would therefore have to be extremely limited. For example, the lesbian dance scene works with three characters because both the npcs have fixed personalities and appearances. Allowing the player to have a threesome with her bf, who can be almost any npc in the game, is pretty much certain to never happen.

      As for nudists, well, I actually added the striptease action for exactly that reason. At the point it was put in it wasn't possible for the player to undress or be undressed completely, and I wanted a way to test the character description without clothes. Men only have two items of clothing, so I think it shouldn't be too hard to undress them from the makeout scene.

    3. Thanks for replying!

      I don't have any idea how you coded this in Java (and have little knowledge of coding in Java, period), so I'm going to take your word on the complexity. But in my head the writing of a 3-way scene with regards to the actions can be simplified by setting at the start of the scene which guy gets what hole. But yeah, I'm hopeful that this is something that can be done in the future, but I'll stop bugging you about it. :P

      >Men only have two items of clothing, so I think it shouldn't be too hard to undress them from the makeout scene.

      I've had it fail before! Sometimes my PC gets too turned on to stop the makeout, and sometimes the guy, uh, completes too quickly. :/ Also nudism isn't just about nudity in a sexual context, but being chill enough to be naked all the time. So maybe a personality type both for PCs and NPCs that determine whether they'd want to put on clothes back after sex and stuff like that?

      Oh, and another unsolicited suggestion: how about letting men be able to do different things in bed based on their body type? So for example the broad and toned guys can LIFT BRO, so they can do more stuff in the standing position (such as fuck a third-trimester preggo). While skinny guys are probably more flexible, so they can do some more yoga-type stuff? And the fat guys, they make better cushions I guess IDEK.

      Anyway, thanks again for making such a great game!

  6. Since u got so many patrons... Why no turn it free? :D

    1. It's already free though? Public version is usually no more than ~3 weeks behind the Patreon version

  7. How do you start the new random event :o

    1. It's supposed to be a surprise event that shows up only rarely, but I put a comment on the patron post for 0.3.8 which explains the conditions.

  8. I love this game it is awesome keep up the goo work! :) things i would like to see:
    1. creating a new character, it would be cool to have but preferences and sizes like boobs.
    2. the ability to meat girls at clubs, gym etc (more girl on girl action)
    3.the ability to go to peoples house (they invite you in)
    4. and lastly to be the guy???

    1. Female NPCs, including lesbian options, are something SO already has planned. Dunno how long it'll be before it's implemented though, and I can't recall how extensive he's planning them to be.

      3 may happen with the Relationship update (4.0 I think? Or 5.0? I don't remember), but even if it doesn't sounds like it'll make it in eventually - might even be sooner. Allowing the player to be more socially proactive in general has been discussed fairly often.

      4 will never happen, SO's already established this. He's built this from the ground up around playing as a female, and IIRC adding the ability to stay male would require literally rewriting the framework of the game.

    2. 1: Is this asking about "butt" preferences? Otherwise, could you rephrase the question?
      If you did mean butts, then that's included in the players figure. Physical descriptions are already quite complicated, and handling the various possibilities is one of the things that makes adding new sexual content slow. As such, I don't plan to add new traits unless I'm very convinced that they're critically important.

      2: Lesbian content will come at some point. It'll be another major update that'll allow lesbian romance, dating and sex.

      3: This was part of the original plan, but I'm now not sure it's worthwhile. The benefits of having a date in someone else's house aren't that significant in terms of gameplay and I don't think it justifies the time needed to add it. I might reconsider when there's more content with homes, money and npc jobs, so a gold-digger pc could get herself invited to a possible date's home and see how rich he is.

      4: Centerflag is correct - this would pretty much mean writing an entire new game.

    3. For the apartment activities I agree that it probably wouldn't add much in terms of gameplay to have them take place at an NPC's home, but I think that it would be nice to be able to have sex scenes that take place in an NPC's bedroom. I can think of a lot of possible content related to the player's attitudes about her gender swap and ending up in a skeezy guy's bedroom after a night partying, or in a nice guy's bed after a pleasant night on the town. Or maybe there could be an option during a date where the man or the player proposes going straight to his bedroom, similar to the "guy invites you into an alley" option for an up against the wall sex scene. I could see that as an option for passionate or sultry players who are more determined to get what they need from a guy sexually.

    4. I think another part of the appeal of being able to go to guys' houses is simply a realism thing. I mean, it just seems a little strange that right now you can be in a relationship with a guy for nearly a year and never have him even once invite you over to his place.

      Like cubano said, it wouldn't really add any... *mechanical* value to the game, but it would certainly add flavor. And also assure you you're not unknowingly dating a hobo :P

    5. Maybe if you go to other peoples houses you become more vulnerable. and for the butt preferences have an option at the start to make it -small-medium-large etc like boobs and have the npcs react to it differently. also a new place would be awesome like a swimming pool in the gym and or a sex shop, with different stuff you buy you get different sex scenes? oh and also make the relax/explore body scenes interactive?

    6. @Centerflag - I have considered adding an event chain that lets you date a hobo.

    7. I thought you said that you don't have any plans to put bum sex in the game.

    8. Well punned. Shakespeare would have loved you :P

  9. So how do I access the cheats?

    1. The cheat menu is available to Patreon supporters only. If you acquired the game via the download links on this blog, then you'll need to use conventional memory-editing techniques.

      Or ... just fork over a few dollars, support the developer, get early access, and cheat with maximum convenience.

  10. ever thought of adding STDs? i think itd be a cool added factor for the club skank character i like to play lol, could get medicatons or cures at doctor and add some risks to unprotected sex beyond pregnancy... maybe even like herpes or something that makes you less pretty if untreated.id be willing to write stuff if you like...

    1. No STDs. SO said this like a hundred times now, I think. He really needs a FAQ ;)

    2. I always thought SO's a she :v

  11. I'm hoping for a "likes rough sex" type trait in the future.

    1. Vigorous/passionate lover sort of covers this - npcs with that trait will be more enthusiastic in sex and can be 'rough' even if they have a good personality and like the player. Player-characters with the trait will tend to respond better to harder sex.

  12. I have a small suggestion for relationship refinement. When someone is listed as "an acquaintance of yours", I suggest adding " from xxx" to the end of that statement, like "He's an acquaintance of yours from work" or "from the club" or "from the gym". When someone is only an acquaintance, we tend to associate them to the place where we tend to see them or first saw them. It helps identify their significance to the character, and recall our first impression.

    1. Your history isn't really stored in that sort of detail and I'd rather not add it in just for that, especially as it'd be fairly fiddly to avoid unexpected outputs like men being referred to as acquaintances from the club just because they showed up in the background there before you actually met them somewhere else.

  13. Is it just me, or has stress been readjusted again?

    I'm finding it ridiculously easy to keep stress at 0.

    1. Not to any significant extent, unless there's a new bug. Stress is easy to keep down if you have a good sex life or the relaxed trait though.

    2. Since 50+ Weeks my Stress is 100. I cant get it down, I have +5-15 each Week. Regardless what i do. Pleasuring myself, Clubbing, Having Sex, Relaxing, shopping nothing matters.

  14. kinda want an infinite mode...

    1. The Patreon versions already include a length setting in the "cheats" menu, which can be set as high as you want

  15. kinda want an infinite mode...

  16. Any chance that you might add in giving birth to twins triplets ect? There is a fertility treatment in game and those do increase the chance of multiple births.

    1. Probably not, unless I find myself with lots of time for "extra stuff" at the end of development - which is fairly unlikely.

  17. what about an orgy or more than one guy?

    1. He answered that up above.

      "Threesomes are unlikely to be added in a general way. The complexity of a 2-person scene is already very high and they're slow to write. Adding a third character would exponentially increase that and it would probably not be realistic to add to the game - I could probably add 4 2p sex scenes in the time it would take to add a single 3p one and they'd be much easier to maintain with future updates too.

      Any 3p content would therefore have to be extremely limited. For example, the lesbian dance scene works with three characters because both the npcs have fixed personalities and appearances. Allowing the player to have a threesome with her bf, who can be almost any npc in the game, is pretty much certain to never happen."

  18. what about an orgy or more than one guy?

  19. My character became friends with someone first through the befriend option and he never asked her to to be his girlfriend even when he's at 'true love' status. Is this a bug or intended?

    1. I can't see a bug there in the code - in fact friendship has no effect at all on the chance of him asking you to be his girlfriend.
      Assuming you are getting in situations where he can ask you to be his gf (mainly dates at your home) then there's three main ways I could see this happening:

      - First, just bad luck. The man will have a number of possible actions, and he might simply have not picked the one where he asks you to be his girlfriend. Romantic men are more likely to ask, but it's never a guarantee.
      - Second, he could want you as a gf but something's stopping him from asking. In particular, the cold and rude behaviours block the action, as does having a bf already. He also needs to have your phone number before he can ask.
      - Third, he might not want you as a girlfriend even though he loves you. This would be very unlikely as the increase for the highest level of love is massive, but it might be possible if he has the Selfish personality as they aren't so concerned with love. In particular, if he's selfish and also has a significant negative modifier, for example he doesn't like you, or he finds you unattractive, or you're pregnant or have kids and he doesn't want children.

  20. I can see why a threesome would be problematic, however I am curious about the possiility of having multiple partners taking turns rather then going at the same time.

    Would this aproach also prohibitly add to the complexity of the scene?

  21. rather then switching during each participant finnishes before switching, but largely yes, the point being its a different experience.

    Consider when the boyfriend asks if it is ok to drop by for a fuck, he shows up with a few friends aswell, each expecting to have a go.

    Its not a proper orgy, but it is still different from just the boyfriend showing up.

    If not anything else it adds to the douchbaggery level of the boyfriend wich there seems to be some interest for aswell, hence the question.

    1. I really like the idea as well. Being involved with multiple NPCs sexually in one scene seems like the next step for a player who wants to experience the shame or the thrill of increasingly slutty behavior. It would need specific scenarios written around the sex scenes, though, and any more than two guys would make it seem rather repetitive.

      I wouldn't mind seeing something like it as an addition to existing scenes, such as a sultry character who notices another guy was listening in during one of her brief dalliances in the club bathroom, or showing up to the important clients house to find that he's invited a business partner eager to see how ambitious the young new saleswoman is.

    2. Well, we shall see. A framing scene which leads to one npc at a time for the complex sex & makeout ones is much more reasonable in terms of development time than a 3-way sex scene.
      Like Cubano says, it'd need a specific scenario though. Keep your eyes on the blog though... it might not be as far off as you might think ;)

    3. Eh, sometimes i feel there's too much sex content, i just end up repeat-clicking "passionate kiss" until he fucks me.
      Tbh what really gets me going are more special scenes. These "cum-and-go"s imo won't make it anymore interesting.

  22. There have been a few requests for smaller men. I will consider putting it in at some point, although probably not for a while.

  23. Since you are adding a lesbian expansion at some point, I'd like to make a suggestion. Could Ivy seduce you and eventually plan for you to get knocked up? I imagine it being something like this:
    1) Event to have Ivy call you up to run more "tests" (maybe requires PC to have certain traits that Ivy likes? Ivy could be a static NPC to make it easier).
    2) When you visit Ivy at that point, she can seduce you and if you go with it, Ivy can start asking you out on dates.
    3) After you grow close to Ivy, she might mention wanting to start using a strap-on.
    4) Ivy uses the strap-on to pump you full of cum.
    5) After the first kid, if you continue to see Ivy, she uses her machine to give herself real equipment so she can knock you up more easily.

    I guess 3 and 4 could be applicable to any lesbians and would let you reuse a lot of text from the men.
