Saturday, 5 December 2015

Newlife 0.3.13

Hello everyone!

Version 0.3.13 of Newlife is finished and I've released it on Patreon. Early-access Patrons can find it in the creations section here. The changelog is below.

That also means that the 0.3.12 release has been made public. I've updated the links here on the blog, so you can download it now from here. The 0.3.12 changelog is here.

Additionally, FreshSalad has updated their character creation tool for Newlife to include the new Repairman trait for 0.3.13. You can get the updated version from Mega here.

As usual, saved files & templates from older versions probably won't work with newer ones. 

For new players - just use one of the links to the right to get either the jar or the exe version. You only need one or the other - not both. I recommend trying the jar first.

For either version you'll need to have Java installed. A lot of programs use Java so you might well already have it. If the jar shows up as an unrecognised file type, then you probably don't. In that case you can get it from
The exe should tell you if you don't have the right version on your computer, but you'll still need to install java to run the game.
There's a guide for new players here which includes some troubleshooting tips for installation & downloading.

The new version adds a new event and has a bunch of improvements to various scenes, many of which were suggested by players. 

I haven't yet got a fix for a problem some players reported with the game thinking the default save folder should be some system32 one and trying to use it for custom npcs. One helpful (but anonymous) commenter suggested this might happen if you use Windows 10 Frequent Folders to launch the game - I'm not using Windows 10, so I haven't been able to test this myself.
I'll be looking into fixes again for the next version.

Finally, Kao Rock has started a wiki for Newlife. You can check it out at 

Here's the full changelog for 0.3.13:
Major changes & additions:
  • Following a request on the blog, added an option to block rough/abusive content in character creation. This will stop jerk npcs from autonomously taking the sort of actions that are unlocked by the “treat me mean” request even if you haven't asked him to be rough with you. There will undoubtedly be rough actions that aren't caught by this option yet. If you find an npc being excessively unpleasant to you when you've selected it then please post a blog comment with the copy-pasted text so I can fix it.
  • Added more variety to certain actions in existing scenes: Tell him you're ready, romantic kiss and the move hips action in the missionary scene.
  • Added a new action to sex scenes where your partner has refused to pull out. You can now beg him not to finish inside you as a repeatable follow-up action. This never actually works. This change was suggested over pm on Patreon from one of Newlife's patrons, so say thanks to them in the comments if you like it!
  • In an addition suggested by Cubano, romantic characters who don't have low self-esteem can now dump their boyfriend if he forgets an anniversary.
  • A new npc trait for custom npcs - repairman. Npcs with this trait won't be valid in earlier versions. See the updated custom npc guide for a description of its effects.
  • One new random event.

Minor changes & bugfixes:
  • Fixes to text issues. Thanks to Cubano, Archmage Bob and good old Anonymous Blog Commenter for reporting problems they found.
  • Updated knowledge increases to use friendship status.
  • Improved how stress and the charm skill modify liking as you first get to know someone.
  • Added a few more descriptions for your character arriving at a nightclub.
  • Modified love thresholds for low-self-esteem. Previously they had a “quick-fix” implementation that just let them always fall in love. Now they fall in love based mostly on attraction (not attraction + liking like most characters) but get a bonus if they dislike the man as they feel they “deserve” to be with someone horrid. Low-self-esteem girls still fall in love more easily if they have the romantic trait, but girls with bitchy + LSE don't get the usual increase to the threshold that bitchy gives other characters.
  • Fixed a bug reported by Cubano where the time check was being skipped on returning to a home date from sex, which meant that the player was able to choose 2-part actions like the important talk one only to find the scene end before they could pick the action for the second part.
  • Characters with low self-esteem now get more forgiving text and lower relationship penalties when other girls would get the “angry and upset” response to the man finishing inside them when they asked him to pull out. The enjoyment penalty (and therefore stress effects) is just as big though – low self-esteem girls are just as upset as normal ones, they just blame themselves instead of the man.
  • Fixed an issue reported by Porne where heavily pregnant girls would be told there was a dance competition but be unable to attend. Now they're still unable to attend, but the message on the week planner screen makes it clear why.
  • Fixed a bug reported by pgiac2 where the game would break if you split up with your boyfriend in an event that happened on the same week as your anniversary but in an earlier timeslot.
  • Fixed an issue where your boyfriend would forget that you'd asked him to be rough when you went to sleep on your anniversary – this should last the entire scene chain, for consistency with normal dates.

Enjoy the new version, and let me know if you find any bugs!


  1. I noticed while playing 0.3.12 that I was able to confess my love for my jerk of a boyfriend on our anniversary, but I haven't been able to duplicate the option. What're the requirements for it to pop up?

    Also, I have to say that I loved the Tanya event! Any plans to put the player on the receiving end of something like that where an ex-boyfriend swings by to take advantage of you?

    1. That would be incredibly hot! Once relationships are more implemented, of course. Proper breakups would be a requisite.

    2. Well, a breakup wouldn't be quite a requirement imo. It could be a guy you dropped into the "friend zone" (I've had quite a few ask if they could pretty please be my characters boyfriend instead of just "friend" sooo ... ;) )

      I've also had a couple ideas for when female npc's are added (I've sent these to SO in a pm but it wouldn't hurt to hear other peoples thoughts :) ):
      - One is an advanced version of the Tanya story, where your (bitchy/evil) character befriends a woman and gets close (close enough to know all her weaknesses, and her cycle...) in order to allow an impregnator friend get his way with her...

      - The other is inverse Tanya where a female npc befriends your character in order to get an impregnator access to her (possibly right before your characters marriage...)

      PS: I don't know which version of the story you got, but if the friend that initiated it likes you enough (in a sexual way) he'll put you on the receiving end right then and there...

    3. Wait, I know about the Wine/Seduction/Honesty paths, but are you saying there's a fourth path that takes place on the night that your friend comes to you for advice?

    4. No, those are the only paths. What happens when your friend returns to report about what happened has two version though...

    5. Like a success/failure outcome for each of the three approaches?

    6. More like a "your character getting knocked up" outcome

    7. How do you trigger this Tanya event?

    8. Tanya Event: Be good friends with a guy who has the impregnator trait, but not boastful. YOur character must have the bitchy trait.

      Great event, totally worth it, but really hard to trigger if you don't know how.

  2. Is one year the only available anniversary? That is to say, is it something that's only available to patrons? Just curious, haven't been able to figure it out.

    1. No, you get an anniversary every 6 months. It's based on the relationship duration stat, which you can see in the character screen if you've forgotten how long you've been together.
      Your partner is slightly less likely to forget on the yearly ones but otherwise the only difference is the name.

  3. You should get a 6 month anniversary before then. I'm a non-patron and I've been able to get the 6-month anniversary. It should be 30 weeks after your partner asks you to become his girlfriend.

    1. Haha oops, I just wrote a reply to the anon above you before scrolling down to see yours. Thanks for helping them :)

  4. Thanks for adding the 'no mean' option, even if I won't be able to use it until the next version comes out.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Have you ever thought about more body types?
    I just feel like the first 3 just aren't enough to provide a good variety; adding more body types that are 'in-between' the current ones would add more flavour.

    1. The current three represent three variations on "conventionally attractive".
      Back when Newlife first came out, I did consider adding ones outside that range. In fact, the enum has some unimplemented ones for larger or underweight girls.

      However, I now think that the pc's figure is referenced in too many places for this to be a good idea. There'd need to be a lot of extra content added to existing and future scenes to support additional types, especially if it meant breaking the game's current assumption that not being pregnant means the player has a flat stomach.
      Adding this sort of change would slow down future additions, and the game's current level of complexity is already enough that new scenes take a long time to add.
      I think it'd only be something I'd consider if I still had development time for Newlife after all the core content is completed. That's such a long way off that it isn't really worth planning for now - by then I'll have forgotten anything I say today!

  7. I don't know if this bug exists in this version, but.

    Basically if you start having vaginal sex while being virgin and not aroused, when you prematurely stop having sex you still retain your virginity. I liked that though, I think if the guy couldn't even arouse the girl to some extent, losing virginity to him doesn't worth it.

    And anal when?

    1. Virginity thing is even mentioned during character creation, it's not a bug appearing out of nowhere.

      And quoting SO:
      "Anal might happen as part of patreon requests, but isn't in the core development plan as it isn't something I'm especially into."

      Message brought to you by:
      Archmage Bob of Single Color

  8. any patreon patrons wanna let us public release peasants in on what the new random event entails?

    1. A repairman, some broken appliances, and a free time activity slot.

  9. Hey, SO. I just got this text "You feel enraged at his inappropriate touchiness - you never had to deal with this sort of impertinence as a man!" playing a female start game. Probably just an oversight, considering that female start is an alternative secondary option.

  10. I have a weird question, but does the apartment not have furniture in it? It seems strange that you would be sitting down to watch a movie or drink a beer and then stand up to start making out.

    A minor thing, I know, but it struck me as odd

    1. That's actually some of the game's subtle political commentary. Most of Europe's right wing parties (represented in game by the Unethical Experimentation Party) have been out of power so long that they lack leaders with actual governing experience. Driving people out of their homes and into local businesses through an ordinance that bans home furnishings is exactly the kind of hare-brained scheme you'd expect from officials with no experience at stimulating a real world economy.

      I'm pretty sure the player getting mugged so often is a jab at the local government's poor public safety record.

  11. Whoohoo! People with more free time than me have finally started contributing to the New Life wiki!

    Also, just a suggestion - I find it odd that men you're regularly sleeping with, not to mention your boyfriend, won't notice you're pregnant and won't initiate the "Is it my baby?" discussion. Maybe if you're sleeping with someone who's got the "Impregnator" and/or the "Wants children" traits, they'll have a chance to start talking about that?

    And maybe additional dialogue when having sex with a guy who's fathered the baby you're carrying/has fathered a child on you? I've only encountered "Let's make another baby." That would be hot, IMHO.

  12. My lazy but finally got around to adding the Repair Man trait:
    Sorry for the delay.

    I also added a whole bunch of pages to the Wiki: and could use some help form all of you expanding it further, particularly information about the requirements for the events: I would find particularly interesting/helpful.

  13. Will the option to romance Horse be happening any time soon?

  14. So how do you get a man to refuse to pull out? They keep agreeing when I ask.

    1. i am also interested in how one achieves this elusive scene

    2. It's based on relationship and personality, so if you sleep with an asshole who hates you then you're likely to see him refuse.
      An exception is men with the impregnator trait. They're guys who'll try to knock you up using underhanded means, so they'll agree to pull out but with them it's always a lie.

    3. Will refusing to pull out always be associated with the negative personality traits? What about a romantic guy with the wants kids trait who thinks the player would be the perfect mom? Dreams of family and babies could overwhelm his better nature.

    4. It'll always be linked to negative traits or behaviour (which tends to be linked to bad personalities, but is affected by your relationship). This is because he's going against what you've told him you want - at the least this is showing a lack of respect for your ability to make decisions for yourself.

      Loving men wanting kids is something that'll be handled better once relationships are improved and it's possible to come to a decision to try for a baby. At that point he might try to persuade you, but if you refuse then he won't just sneakily attempt to knock you up.
