Wednesday, 1 December 2021

Newlife 0.7.6


Hello everyone!

Newlife 0.7.6 has been released. Early-access Patrons can find it in the creations section here. The changelog is below.

The previous version is now public. You can download it using the links on the right-hand side of the blog. The public version's changelog is here.

I haven't specifically tested it, but I suspect that old saves will not be compatible with this version.


For new players - just use one of the links to the right to get a zipfile containing Newlife. Once unzipped, you'll see a folder containing .jar and .exe files. Either one of these will run the game. 
For either version you'll need to have Java installed. A lot of programs use Java so you might well already have it. If the jar shows up as an unrecognised file type, then you probably don't. In that case you can get it from
The exe should tell you if you don't have the right version on your computer, but you'll still need to install java to run the game.
There's a guide for new players here which includes some troubleshooting tips for installation & downloading.


This release adds the lesbian town date.


Major changes & additions:

  • The PC can now go on dates in town with other women.

  • Added some new minidate events submitted by Lost Trouting. These “minievents” don't require the PC to have a boyfriend.

Minor changes:

  • Minidates are now slightly more common when the PC is in a relationship, but less so when she's single.

  • As requested by BereavedPoet, the PC can now yell at a man who's leaked videos of her online (via the “important talk” option at home).

  • Added an alternative line in the blackjack makeout so innocent NPCs won't say they don't know what to do when you've already been intimate with them. Thanks to Sync for pointing this out!

  • Added top/bra self-undressing actions to the lesbian makeout. Thanks to Sync for pointing out this omission!

Changes for user-submitted content:

  • LESBIAN_TOWN_DATE is now a valid transition for custom scenes.


  • Fixes to text issues. Thanks to OrangeJuice, TroupeDev and Ptera for reporting some of these.

  • Added MAN_BUN to the documentation, thanks to Rigel for pointing out this omission.

  • Fixed some issues with the conditions for the description of the character's outfit when dressing for a date. Most notably, a low-self-esteem toned PC will no longer worry that her legs look fat.

  • Fixed an issue with the town date scene not updating relationship status.

Enjoy the new version, and let me know if you find any bugs!


  1. Hi! Thought you should know you accidentally put the patron version in place of the public link, meaning cheats and everything are accessible :)

    1. Thanks for letting me know! This is deliberate though. Well, deliberate-ish. I didn't have the public file for 0.7.6 easily available when I was doing the release, so I just popped the patron one up there. Hopefully no-one will mind!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
