Friday, 31 December 2021

Newlife 0.7.7

Hello everyone and happy new year!

Newlife 0.7.7 has been released. Early-access Patrons can find it in the creations section here. The changelog is below.

The previous version is now public. You can download it using the links on the right-hand side of the blog. The public version's changelog is here.

Due to some forgetfulness on my part I don't have a public build of 0.7.6 to hand. Instead I'm putting the patreon one out there. This is mostly the same, except that you'll get a different start-screen message and some extra cheat options.

I think that old saves will probably be compatible with this version, but I haven't tested it so I can't say for sure.

For new players - just use one of the links to the right to get a zipfile containing Newlife. Once unzipped, you'll see a folder containing .jar and .exe files. Either one of these will run the game. 
For either version you'll need to have Java installed. A lot of programs use Java so you might well already have it. If the jar shows up as an unrecognised file type, then you probably don't. In that case you can get it from
The exe should tell you if you don't have the right version on your computer, but you'll still need to install java to run the game.
There's a guide for new players here which includes some troubleshooting tips for installation & downloading.


This release adds hypnosis content that was chosen by patrons as this year's "Prove Me Wrong" release.

The bugfix section of the changelog may be incomplete as I don't have all my notes from early in the month.


Major changes & additions:

  • Added hypnosis scenes, in yml/vm format.

Minor changes:

  • Various minor updates to sex scenes to support sex under hypnosis.

Changes for user-submitted content:

  • Added isLesbianVirgin to player object in custom scenes.

  • Added setStat method to gamedata object

  • Added getAgeDesc method to NPC objects

  • Added setOnPill method to player object

  • GOOD_HYPNOTIST and EVIL_HYPNOTIST traits can be added to custom NPCs: these are the special NPCs used in the new scenes.

  • Short and long action descriptions are now generated when an action is shown to the player instead of just once at the start of the scene. This means that variables which change mid-scene (such as arousal) can now be used in these sections.


  • Fixes to text issues. Thanks to Zab for reporting some of these.

  • Fixed an issue reported by Sync where the lesbian town date could choose the wrong route when the PC takes the lead.

  • Fixed a bug where the PC is fantasizing about having sex with a different men but her fantasy was incorrectly using the body-type of the man she was actually being fucked by.

  • ixed an omission reported by Albert44 where office-party sex with your rival was not increasing the "oral pleasure" stat.

  • Fixed a bug where the value for "small" enjoy modifiers was only half what it should have been.

Enjoy the new version, and let me know if you find any bugs!

Wednesday, 1 December 2021

Newlife 0.7.6


Hello everyone!

Newlife 0.7.6 has been released. Early-access Patrons can find it in the creations section here. The changelog is below.

The previous version is now public. You can download it using the links on the right-hand side of the blog. The public version's changelog is here.

I haven't specifically tested it, but I suspect that old saves will not be compatible with this version.


For new players - just use one of the links to the right to get a zipfile containing Newlife. Once unzipped, you'll see a folder containing .jar and .exe files. Either one of these will run the game. 
For either version you'll need to have Java installed. A lot of programs use Java so you might well already have it. If the jar shows up as an unrecognised file type, then you probably don't. In that case you can get it from
The exe should tell you if you don't have the right version on your computer, but you'll still need to install java to run the game.
There's a guide for new players here which includes some troubleshooting tips for installation & downloading.


This release adds the lesbian town date.


Major changes & additions:

  • The PC can now go on dates in town with other women.

  • Added some new minidate events submitted by Lost Trouting. These “minievents” don't require the PC to have a boyfriend.

Minor changes:

  • Minidates are now slightly more common when the PC is in a relationship, but less so when she's single.

  • As requested by BereavedPoet, the PC can now yell at a man who's leaked videos of her online (via the “important talk” option at home).

  • Added an alternative line in the blackjack makeout so innocent NPCs won't say they don't know what to do when you've already been intimate with them. Thanks to Sync for pointing this out!

  • Added top/bra self-undressing actions to the lesbian makeout. Thanks to Sync for pointing out this omission!

Changes for user-submitted content:

  • LESBIAN_TOWN_DATE is now a valid transition for custom scenes.


  • Fixes to text issues. Thanks to OrangeJuice, TroupeDev and Ptera for reporting some of these.

  • Added MAN_BUN to the documentation, thanks to Rigel for pointing out this omission.

  • Fixed some issues with the conditions for the description of the character's outfit when dressing for a date. Most notably, a low-self-esteem toned PC will no longer worry that her legs look fat.

  • Fixed an issue with the town date scene not updating relationship status.

Enjoy the new version, and let me know if you find any bugs!

Saturday, 30 October 2021

Newlife 0.7.5

 Hello everyone!

Newlife 0.7.5 has been released. Early-access Patrons can find it in the creations section here. The changelog is below.

The previous version is now public. You can download it using the links on the right-hand side of the blog. The public version's changelog is here.

I think that this version will be compatible with saves from the previous version, but I haven't tested it so I may be mistaken.

For new players - just use one of the links to the right to get a zipfile containing Newlife. Once unzipped, you'll see a folder containing .jar and .exe files. Either one of these will run the game. 
For either version you'll need to have Java installed. A lot of programs use Java so you might well already have it. If the jar shows up as an unrecognised file type, then you probably don't. In that case you can get it from
The exe should tell you if you don't have the right version on your computer, but you'll still need to install java to run the game.
There's a guide for new players here which includes some troubleshooting tips for installation & downloading.


This release focuses on improvements to existing scenes, primarily the lesbian ones but there's also a few things there for MF content.


Major changes & additions:

  • Added a nightclub-dancing sub-scene for the lesbian club.

Minor changes:

  • Improved the checks in the “hit your partner while dancing because you're drunk” section in the MF club dancing scene to use behaviour instead of simple trait checks.

  • Added some variations to the text when giving birth to children after the first.

  • Added self-undressing actions to the FF makeout.

  • Updated the “lick cock” action in the oral scene to have a bit more variety. Specifically there are now 8 possible pieces of text instead of just 1, but most of the new ones have conditions so you won't see them all in one encounter.

  • Added some more breast-touching lines to the lesbian NPC makeout action.

  • Added a short alternative piece of male-internal-orgasm text to the couch sex scene that doesn't have any special conditions, just to give a little more variety when none of the more specific passages are available.

  • The standing-front sex position now allows the PC to wrap one of her legs around her lover's waist. This requires some fitness (10, so toned characters can do it from the start) and is not available if the PC isn't at least somewhat turned on or if she's heavily pregnant. This sub-position increases the risk that an attempt to pull out will fail.

  • Added “boring documentary” to the possible films you can watch on a lesbian date at home. This one may bore your date into seeking a distraction. For example, a distraction that takes place in the bedroom.

  • The PC's behaviour towards her date is now stored when transitioning from town to home dates, so you won't be prompted to pick one when arriving at your home.

  • Added some more options for the female NPC's kiss makeout action.

  • Added some more text variety to the standing-sex “move hips” action.

  • Female NPCs with the magic fingers trait can now give you a backrub when they're at your home.

  • Renamed the “Business Management” skill to just “Management” so it should fit better into the UI.

  • Following some comments on discord (from Stochastic, IIRC) about the head-shaving event being too common it now has its weight significantly reduced if it has already happened in that game.

  • Added a “man-bun” hairstyle as requested by Bolana, along with a few lines for it in the “Grab his head” action in the cunnilingus scene.

Changes for user-submitted content:

  • addSexualActivity has been moved to the main NPC class, meaning it is now available for female NPCs. Note that ANAL is not a valid argument for female NPCs and will cause an error if set as the parameter. (TODO – credit requester over PM on disc?)

  • Use addSexualActivity with the SEX activity to cause the PC to lose her virginity. This will automatically pick either lesbian or straight virginity, depending on which type of NPC you called the method on.

  • the various testWill methods that were previously in the male NPC object have been moved to the NPC one which now makes them available for female NPCs. Use these when willpower checks are being caused by an NPC. The methods on the PC object are unchanged.

  • Added the sleazy office workers to the special NPCs that can be replaced with custom ones, as requested by Sight.


  • Fixes to text issues. Thanks to Stochastic for reporting some of these.

  • Fixed a bug reported by Jjrider where having your partner impregnate a female friend off-screen did not update her virginity status.

Enjoy the new version, and let me know if you find any bugs!

Saturday, 2 October 2021

Newlife 0.7.4

Hello everyone!

It turns out that my medical issues are due to a chronic condition, but while this doesn't have an outright cure it is possible to treat my symptoms. I've been given a pile of prescription medicines that are working very well which means that I'm pretty much back to normal now and I've been able to release a new version of Newlife. So, on to my usual mostly-copy-pasted release post!

Newlife 0.7.4 has been released. Early-access Patrons can find it in the creations section here. The changelog is below.

The previous version is now public. You can download it using the links on the right-hand side of the blog. The public version's changelog is here.

I think that this version will be compatible with saves from the previous version, but I haven't tested it so I may be mistaken.

For new players - just use one of the links to the right to get a zipfile containing Newlife. Once unzipped, you'll see a folder containing .jar and .exe files. Either one of these will run the game. 
For either version you'll need to have Java installed. A lot of programs use Java so you might well already have it. If the jar shows up as an unrecognised file type, then you probably don't. In that case you can get it from
The exe should tell you if you don't have the right version on your computer, but you'll still need to install java to run the game.
There's a guide for new players here which includes some troubleshooting tips for installation & downloading.


This release adds a first lesbian makeout scene that can be accessed from a lesbian date at home (which in turn is accessed from the lesbian club weekend-evening action).


Major changes & additions:

  • Added a lesbian makeout scene, which functions as a sort of hybrid makeout/sex scene. This can be accessed from dates at home with another woman.

  • Added a new type of makeout action: KISS_BODY where the PC's partner kisses her breasts or stomach.

Minor changes:

  • Added some more variety to the titfuck action in the oral scene for when it's chosen repeatedly.


  • Female-start characters can now select whether or not they've previously had lesbian experiences at character creation.

Changes for user-submitted content:

  • Added the “lesbian virgin” field to female custom characters. If this is missing then the game will fill it in using the usual logic. As such, old templates from before this release should still work fine.

  • Moved causePlayerOrgasm and its no-cheating variant from the male-npc object to the general npc one, meaning it will now work for female npcs as well.

  • Please let me know if you notice any other methods that should be moved to all-npcs now that FF makeout content is in the game. I do seem to remember moving up some other methods at some point when I was quite ill, but I seem to have forgotten to note them in the changelog and I can't remember what they were now.

  • LESBIAN_LYING_MAKEOUT is now a valid scene transition.

  • Added a performMakeoutAction method to female NPCs. Note that this uses a slightly different method signature to the male equivalent so simply copy-pasting code for male NPCs will not work: the “rough” parameter is removed and a new “dominant” one is added.

  • Updated the HOME_DATE transition and lesbian equivalent to automatically populate the Pc's behaviour towards the NPC if it had been set before.


  • Fixes to text issues. Thanks to Sync and Tomboyfriend for reporting some of these.

  • Replaced the copy-pasted date-end text that had been left in by mistake with some proper lines. Thanks to Sync for pointing out this problem.

  • Fixed a bug reported by Modus0 where the PC would not get dressed on returning from the porn-theatre back-alley, resulting in her potentially being naked for the rest of her date.

  • Fixed an issue reported by Brobort where socks were no longer allowed with business outfits even when relax-outfit-restrictions was set. Socks are now allowed in business outfits if the option is set.

  • Fixed an issue with some npc stripping actions where they could dishevel the PC's clothing even when it was previously at further state of undress.

  • Female-start characters were missing a default hairstyle, meaning the character-creator screen was getting a null haircut which prevented the game from starting unless one was chosen. This has now been fixed. Thanks to Tomthehand for reporting this.

  • Fixed an issue reported by Silne Veras where a man in the club would treat the PC like a porn star even if her only porn work was a video he himself leaked to the internet. This action now requires the porn-star flag (from actual porn work) or for a video to have been leaked by someone else.

  • Fixed a bug reported by AnarChYsT where the charm-training scene could end up duplication actions.

  • Fixed an issue with the positioning for one of the sitting makeout's subpositions not working with the text for one of the standard makeout actions.

  • Fixed an issue where the PC wasn't gaining enjoy at one point where she has an orgasm in the blackjack scene.

  • Removed some duplicate text reported by Sync in the lesbian date that referred to your date as a “he”.

  • Fixed a bug reported by Brobort where you could get into a neverending threesome in the office party.

Enjoy the new version, and let me know if you find any bugs!

Tuesday, 31 August 2021

No release this month either

Hi all,

My medical issues are continuing and I haven't been able to properly put a release together. I have made some progress, and expect to get something out next month. I've paused patreon's billing again so patrons will not be charged.

I've had some tests and I'm hoping to get a diagnosis soon. Hopefully that will lead to some sort of treatment that'll resolve or at least amelioriate my problems.

Stay safe and take care of yourselves.

Saturday, 31 July 2021

No release this month

Hi all, 

You might have noticed that I haven't posted online or replied to anyone for a while. Unfortunately I've been quite ill lately. I'm waiting for an appointment to get some tests done at a hospital, but this is a bad time for that with them busy due to covid so I don't know how much longer I'll have to wait. 

I haven't had the focus or energy to work effectively this month so there will be no July release. I've paused the Patreon so people won't be charged on August 1st, but I understand that those of you reading this here and not on Patreon probably aren't patrons and don't care so much about that sort of thing.

I'll try to get a release out next month - it's likely my ability to work will continue to be limited but between what I've managed in July and what I can get done in August it's possible I'll manage to get something out.

Sorry for the bad news, and I hope you're all doing well.

Thursday, 1 July 2021

Newlife 0.7.3


Hello everyone!

Newlife 0.7.3 has been released. Early-access Patrons can find it in the creations section here. The changelog is below.

The previous version is now public. You can download it using the links on the right-hand side of the blog. The public version's changelog is here.

I think that this version will be compatible with saves from the previous version, but I haven't tested it so I may be mistaken.

For new players - just use one of the links to the right to get a zipfile containing Newlife. Once unzipped, you'll see a folder containing .jar and .exe files. Either one of these will run the game. 
For either version you'll need to have Java installed. A lot of programs use Java so you might well already have it. If the jar shows up as an unrecognised file type, then you probably don't. In that case you can get it from
The exe should tell you if you don't have the right version on your computer, but you'll still need to install java to run the game.
There's a guide for new players here which includes some troubleshooting tips for installation & downloading.


This release adds the lesbian home-date scene. I intend to move onto sexual content next, but I'll be revisiting both the date and club scenes later on and there'll also be more dating content coming in the future with lesbian town-date and sleeping-together scenes.


Major changes & additions:

  • You can now invite your partner back home from the lesbian club.

Minor changes:

  • Some minor adjustments to relationship stat changes here and there: probably nothing that will be obvious.

  • Long socks can now be worn as nightwear & sexy nightwear, as requested by Brobort.

Changes for user-submitted content:

  • Added the wavy hairstyles to the documentation: these were in 0.7.2 but had been missed from the docs.

  • Added LESBIAN_HOME_DATE as an allowable scene transition for custom scenes.


  • Fixes to text issues. Thanks to AnarChYsT and Mister B for reporting some of these.

  • Rewrote the behaviour-changing actions to use gender-neutral language now that they're used in the lesbian club scene. Thanks to Zab for flagging this up.

  • Fixed a problem reported by Brobort where it was possible to befriend the transformed jerk twice.

  • Fixed a bug reported by Bugz where the “pretend to be a ditz” action was erroring when using cum-tainted food.

  • Fixed a bug reported by XenonCrossaline where the office work trip could lead to the wrong sex scene.

  • Fixed a bug reported by AnarChYsT where the game wasn't properly storing when a female-start character was not a virgin at character creation, potentially leading to some incorrect text later on.

  • Fixed a bug reported by StuntCuffer where the jerk-blackmail scene would error after sleeping with the blackmailer with your partner in the apartment.

Enjoy the new version, and let me know if you find any bugs!

Tuesday, 1 June 2021

Newlife 0.7.2

Hello everyone!

Newlife 0.7.12 has been released. Early-access Patrons can find it in the creations section here. The changelog is below.

The previous version is now public. You can download it using the links on the right-hand side of the blog. The public version's changelog is here.

This version is not compatible with saves from older versions.

For new players - just use one of the links to the right to get a zipfile containing Newlife. Once unzipped, you'll see a folder containing .jar and .exe files. Either one of these will run the game. 
For either version you'll need to have Java installed. A lot of programs use Java so you might well already have it. If the jar shows up as an unrecognised file type, then you probably don't. In that case you can get it from
The exe should tell you if you don't have the right version on your computer, but you'll still need to install java to run the game.
There's a guide for new players here which includes some troubleshooting tips for installation & downloading.


As well as a lot of bugfixing, this release completes hairstyle content and makes a start on the lesbian route, although at the moment this can't go further than a bit of flirting in a club, as the sex & dating scenes do not yet exist.


Major changes & additions:

  • Proper implementation of hairstyles, including variation across NPCs (with hairstyles weighted by outfit style, though you can also set the hairstyle directly for custom NPCs) and the ability to change the PC's hair by visiting a stylist on weekends. Thanks to the people who suggested hairstyles for the game: Jams, Robin, Sentenal and anyone else I've missed off the list.

  • The PC can now dye her hair at the stylist. You can choose from a variety of natural, unusual or bright colours. Dyeing your hair a bright colour is an informal look that will give you a few points towards “casualness” (and therefore a penalty to “elegance”).

  • One new socialisation event.

  • First pass at the lesbian club scene. My aim in this release was to broadly mirror the actions from the existing nightclub that don't require sub-scenes. While it is possible to swap numbers with one of the women here, there is no lesbian date scene as yet so things will end there. I'll be extending and adding depth to this scene in future releases.

Minor changes:

  • Added a small chance for innocent NPCs to use the cheerful outfit style.

  • The Impregnator breeding plot can now repeat itself, with a different target each time. Unfriending or dumping the impregnator-friend completely resets the plot (to allow it to restart with a different impregnator in the future) but also means that the same character could be targeted more than once if the impregnator is unfriended in-between.

  • Some rebalancing of NPC decision making in actions in the nightclub scene.

  • Increased the number of standard female NPCs by one: now the default is 4 and the minimum 3.

  • Updated attraction calculations towards female NPCs: the PC should find other women more attractive now. I expect there'll be more to be done with this later on, perhaps by including breast-size and female-figure preferences in character-creation.

Changes for user-submitted content:

  • Renamed the “haircut” field in custom characters that was added last version to “hairstyle”. Any existing custom npcs will need to be changed. Sorry about this, but I think it'd be too confusing to keep “haircut” for custom npcs while using “hairstyle” everywhere else.

  • Properly added hairstyles to the custom NPCs, including a list of valid values. The game will permit giving women's styles to male NPCs and vice-versa, even though this doesn't happen in default character-creation.

  • Added hairstyle methods to custom scene characters: setHairstyle, getHairstyle, getHairLength, getHasHair, getHairCanFallInFace and getHasGrabbableHair. See documentation for details. The enum reference has been updated with a list of hairstyles.

  • The attraction methods and haveOrgasmFromPc have been moved from MaleNpc to Npc and now apply to Female NPCs as well. I'll probably be making similar changes as more lesbian content gets added, so please let me know if you find something that you think should apply to all NPCs instead of just men.

  • Breastsize preference methods have been moved from MaleNpc to Npc.


  • Fixes to text issues. Thanks to Aetherial and Sight for reporting some of these.

  • Re-ordered some of the getting-dressed text from the date scene to fix a text issue reported by Wishfulthinker

  • Fixed a problem reported by J.J. on Patreon where part of the bra's description wasn't being saved correctly.

  • Fixed a problem reported by Stochastic where characters could get duplicate relationship flags.

  • Fixed an issue reported by Mister B where your partner could suggest a threesome on the same turn that your date ends, resulting in an anticlimactic “it's too late” message instead of the ability to actually go along with it.

  • Fixed a bug reported by PM over on patreon where the game would error when a single PC with the romantic trait developed a crush on someone.

  • Fixed (I think) a bug reported over PM where following a load the shops would start selling duplicates of clothes you already own.

  • Fixed a bug reported by Mister B where one man attempting to film you during sex would lead to other men later in the scene-chain doing so, even if it didn't fit their personalities.

  • Fixed a bug reported by Shardon where your babies would go missing on loading a game (yikes!).

Enjoy the new version, and let me know if you find any bugs!

Saturday, 1 May 2021

Newlife 0.7.1

  Hello everyone!

Newlife 0.7.1 has been released. Early-access Patrons can find it in the creations section here. The changelog is below.

The previous version is now public. You can download it using the links on the right-hand side of the blog. The public version's changelog is here.

Saved files & templates from older versions will 100% not work in this version as they are not even in the right format.

For new players - just use one of the links to the right to get a zipfile containing Newlife. Once unzipped, you'll see a folder containing .jar and .exe files. Either one of these will run the game. 
For either version you'll need to have Java installed. A lot of programs use Java so you might well already have it. If the jar shows up as an unrecognised file type, then you probably don't. In that case you can get it from
The exe should tell you if you don't have the right version on your computer, but you'll still need to install java to run the game.
There's a guide for new players here which includes some troubleshooting tips for installation & downloading.

This release mostly involved an extensive rework on how Newlife handles saving, which touched on a lot of the game's internals. This should have three main advantages:

First, it should fix a problem some people had experienced with saves not working with the most recent versions of Java.

Second, it should allow saves and templates to work reliably across versions as long as the internal data structures do not change. This is why I rushed to add basic hairstyle support in this version, so that I wouldn't need to do it later and break people's saves.

Third, the new saves are in json format which is human-readable. This means that people can edit their game in a text-editor, for example if they want to customise their clothing items. Back up your saves first though, as it's easy to break them with a typo in the wrong place. 

Saves are initially created in a delightful "wall-of-text" format, but I found that using the json plugin for notepad++ let me easily format them into a readable structure. Json is a common format, so no doubt there are plenty of alternative tools for this as well.


The other change is the addition of internal hairstyle support. However, there's only placeholder styles and there's no stylist scene to actually change them in-game. I'll be improving on that very soon. So, if there's a hairstyle you want for yourself or your lovers then let me know in the comments, as well as where you think it should fall on the cute-sexy and elegant-casual axes.


Major changes & additions:

  • Completely replaced the way Newlife saves games (and templates), along with some significant internal reworks to remove bloat from the files.

  • Added support for hairstyles internally, although it currently isn't possible to change them except for save-editing and the values are largely placeholders.

Changes for user-submitted content:

  • Added a getHairstyle() method to characters in custom scenes.


  • Fixes to text issues. Thanks to and for reporting some of these.

  • Fixed a bug with the new error logging added in 0.7.0e. Thanks to DGF for finding this!

Enjoy the new version, and let me know if you find any bugs!

Saturday, 27 March 2021

Newlife 0.7.0


 Hello everyone!

Newlife 0.7.0 has been released. Early-access Patrons can find it in the creations section here. The changelog is below.

The previous version is now public. You can download it using the links on the right-hand side of the blog. The public version's changelog is here.

As usual, saved files & templates from older versions probably won't work with newer ones. 

For new players - just use one of the links to the right to get a zipfile containing Newlife. Once unzipped, you'll see a folder containing .jar and .exe files. Either one of these will run the game. 
For either version you'll need to have Java installed. A lot of programs use Java so you might well already have it. If the jar shows up as an unrecognised file type, then you probably don't. In that case you can get it from
The exe should tell you if you don't have the right version on your computer, but you'll still need to install java to run the game.
There's a guide for new players here which includes some troubleshooting tips for installation & downloading.

This is the final release in the work & careers update, with some new content and also internal reworks. The next major update, chosen by voters on patreon, will be Lesbian Content. I'll be starting on that either next release or the one after.


Major changes & additions:

  • Added a new path to the office party, intended to give the scene more variety for players with a non-sleazy boss. You need to be wearing underwear to the party to get this route.

  • Extensively reworked how enjoy and relationship processing works internally. This probably won't be very visible to players, but it should solve the numerous issues involved with handling relationship-stat changes in multiple-NPC scenes.

  • Added a new event for characters in the office career, especially those on the PA sub-path. This is the work trip, a scene requested by PrettyPenny which also allows the boss to become properly dateable.

Minor changes:

  • Added some clarification to the user-created-npcs guide to highlight some changes made since it was written, notably that the number of NPCs can be modified in the options.

  • Slightly improved one of the makeout action text sections that was a bit bare if none of the clauses were available.

  • Increased the effects of likes-rough and low-self-esteem on the lowlife “freeze in panic” route. As long as there are no negative effects, having one of these will now be sufficient by itself for the route to end in sex.

  • Added a new option at character creation: Underling. This dooms the PC to never receive any but the most basic of promotions. Specifically, underlings can get one promotion in a career, but no more.

Changes for user-submitted content:

  • There are none. Enjoy is now properly linked to a specific NPC, but this has been something I've wanted to do for a while now and the custom scene methods were written to support the change without affecting custom scenes. I did get to remove the paragraph in the documentation referring to the enjoy system having “major internal flaws”, so I'm pleased about that!


  • Fixes to text issues. Thanks to Joisub and Wakisha for reporting some of these.

  • Fixed an issue reported by AnarChYsT where the game was mistakenly thinking you don't have a computer at home when faking nude pictures of your rival.

  • Fixed a bug that would block an event where the PC reconsiders someone's bastard status.

  • Fixed a bug reported by PhazonMario where the date scene could error if there were no suitable men for a threesome.

Enjoy the new version, and let me know if you find any bugs!