Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Back online

Hello everyone, I'm back online now and I'll catch up on answering comments & forum posts over the next week.

I've had a bit of a tough time over the last week, so there are a few delays in the next release. I was aiming to finish it today, but instead it'll be out tomorrow.
I think I'll also need to delay the doggy-style scene for version 0.3.7 - the next version has a mini-sex-scene anyway, and adding a new big one is proving to be slower than I'd expected. I'll try to get 0.3.7 out fairly soon after 0.3.6.

My apologies for the wait. I hope you've had a good couple of weeks and you haven't been up late tonight hoping for a new release!


  1. So 3.5 out for public now?

  2. I am absolutely frothing at the mouth because of the lack of updates.

    More seriously, take your time.

    A question though : I haven't been able to make friends with NPCs that my character hadn't had sex with before. As in, there isn't even an option to do it, even when I spend multiple dates dazzling them.
    Is this a feature, or am I just that unlucky? This is on 0.3.5 by the way.

    Keep up the good work.

    1. Thanks :)

      The befriending issue is probably just because relationship building is much faster via sex at the moment than other means. That'll change at some point in this major update.
      Alternatively, if you or he has traits that make conversations bad then that might be stopping your "liking" score getting high enough. If you're shy then you'll want to either find guys who like cute girls or build relationships without talking. If he's dull then you won't like talking to him either.

  3. Well how about that, it's tomorrow now.
