Monday, 15 June 2015

Newlife 0.3.5

Hello everyone!

I probably won't be able to answer many messages or forum posts for the next few weeks. I do expect to be able to keep up with my development though, and I'll get back to everyone when I can.

In the meantime, version 0.3.5 of Newlife is finished and I've released it on Patreon. Early-access Patrons can find it in the creations section here. The changelog is below.
That also means that the 0.3.4 release has been made public. I've updated the links here on the blog, so you can download it now from here. The 0.3.4 changelog is here.

As usual, saved files & templates from older versions probably won't work with newer ones. 

For new players - just use one of the links to the right to get either the jar or the exe version. You only need one or the other - not both. I recommend trying the jar first.

For either version you'll need to have Java installed. A lot of programs use Java so you might well already have it. If the jar shows up as an unrecognised file type, then you probably don't. In that case you can get it from
The exe should tell you if you don't have the right version on your computer, but you'll still need to install java to run the game.
There's a guide for new players here which includes some troubleshooting tips for installation & downloading.

0.3.5 extends the befriending scene with a new path, adds a new random event and of course has the usual selection of tweaks and bugfixes.

Here's the full changelog:
  • Fixes for text issues. Thanks to Cubano, Erica, Middling emu, UnLimiTeD, Death25 & KTDid for reporting problems they found, as well as one patron over pm.
  • Fixed a bug where having sex for someone if they agreed to be your friend was showing an error message once the sex scene finishes. This doesn't actually affect gameplay because the game's response to the error is to end the befriending scene, and it's supposed to finish there anyway.
  • Added a “mental changes” option to character creation as requested by essdee on tfgs. This is sort of an opposite to the “physical changes only” one in that it has a high chance of mental changes but that your physical traits will be the same as in fixed mode. As with the other randomisation choices it isn't available in quick start (for now) or when starting as a female (obviously, as they don't have a male body to base the randomisation on).
  • Following a post from UnLimiTeD, changed the conditions for the “start touching yourself” action while pleasuring a partner. This is now only blocked if you're busy giving him a full titjob. Other actions that require both hands will stop you touching yourself the same turn but won't stop you from selecting it for the next one.
  • Fixed another issue reported by UnLimiTeD where you could make coffee the morning after a date even if you didn't have a kettle.
  • Slightly reduced the effect of alcohol on willpower.
  • Added a willpower bonus to the “stop having sex” action when your partner is being rough with you and you aren't ready for that sort of thing yet.
  • Added a cute version of the babydoll for sexy nightwear outfits.
  • The stat screen now tracks the number of times you've been mugged – this includes both successful and unsuccessful attempts.
  • Fixed a bug reported by Cubano where the “watch men” action at the gym wasn't properly acting as a rest action.
  • Added an alternative activity for when you try to make a friend.
  • One new random event.

Enjoy the new version, and let me know if you find any bugs!


  1. How do you trigger the new random event?

    1. You need to have a friend with the interesting trait

  2. Stress! How the heck do you reduce it or manage it??? I feel it's basically impossible and it's stressing me out, man! I imagine it can't be good for you in this game but the most I've ever got was -1 *after* doing all the actions that I can think of that reduce it. You accumulate it sooooo fast that if you did nothing but waste time trying to shed it then you can't do anything else in the game, I feel. What, if anything, am I missing? (Relax at home, TV, player, getting smashed? Whaaaat?) There needs to be an FAQ of this. Anyhow, thanks for the game and all the work you put into it. It's fun (but stressful), lol. ;P

    1. Orgasms. Simple as that.

    2. Getting all the items for you home helps as well. The computer is expensive, but as far as I can see, it is worth it. Having everything will pretty much nullify, or even better result in negative stress gain is you just relax and go to work.

  3. Y'know, Reputation would be an interesting thing to have in this game. So the way you treat people actually affects gameplay beyond a few immediate options.

    1. haha, I have enough trouble just managing the relationship system!

    2. What about keeping track of the number of times certain events have been done and modifying scenes based on that. Something like the player dissappearing into the club bathroom enough times so that the next time the option comes up the text is replaced with a line about how you've earned a reputation among the other club goers. Stuff like that could be dropped into limited scenarios rather than be another trait to keep track of for every scene.

  4. First off, your game is awesome.
    This is only the 0.3.5 re;ease and there is already lots of content and yet so much more that can be added!

    I would like to ask, is there any plan to make the game moddable? I like corruption and would like to play as a Succubus slowly corrupting the city, but I know there is content you are not confortable with and I respect that. Your time is also limited and best used making content that people are requesting or that you feel like writing/coding.

    Do you think it is doable to add mod support for:
    - additionnal character creation cosmetic traits (other than using CUSTOM all the time)
    - additionnal clothing items (with or without prefix/modifier support)
    - additionnal NPC cosmetics (beards! haircuts!)
    - additionnal scene variations (more strings to choose from when performing actions, titjobs for example)
    - additionnal random events (like the lesbian dance)
    - additionnal triggered events (to create storylines/side stories)
    - manipulation of stats, stress, money trough added content
    - additionnal scene actions (tailjob as a Succubus)
    - additionnal Schedule actions (like Go Clubbing or the Dance Contest)
    - additionnal traits (with or without effects on the gameplay)
    - full access to the source code

    As I am writing this I am realising how difficult it is to "add mod support" to a game and how much easier it is to code it with mod support already in mind. Most items in the list above probably cannot be added without changing a big part of the game code.

    Just... how hard would it be to add fanmade content?

    1. SplendidOstrich has answered this question a few times. Code sharing (even for innocuous purposes, such as translation) won't occur until the game is complete. "No" to mods because the code wasn't designed to accommodate them.

      Check out the Patreon, though. The 4000 tier involves a limited form of player-submitted content (by injecting customized NPCs into the game).

    2. ok thanks!

      A FAQ would be useful I think, I am not the only one that will not read trough all the comments and forum posts before asking my question.

    3. Yeah, I've been planning to do an FAQ for a while now, and just keep on not getting round to it.
      I like the idea of mods, but the game simply wasn't written to support that sort of thing. I'll have a think about it late in development when there aren't any more planned changes to the game mechanics. However, it may turn out to be unrealistic.
      I do sometimes think about other games I might make when Newlife's finished, and if I decide to make one then it'll be designed to support modding.

  5. From what SO has said in the past, I doubt incest will be included in the game. I could be wrong, but that was the impression I got.

  6. Will the relationships you have interact with one another?

    1. AFAIK they will eventually, once the Relationships update rolls around

  7. Any chance of lesbianism being added in please?

    1. For some reason Google marked this comment as spam (?) so I only just saw it while dealing with some actual spam ones today.
      Lesbianism will be added as a major update at some point - when it gets put in will depend on voting.

  8. I found a bug:
    At this screen button "take action" does nothing, so I can't refuse.

    1. Thank you! This will be fixed in the next version. There was a bug there that was throwing an exception and your screenshot made it really easy to find & fix it.

  9. Is there a way to put your partner on his knees in order to satisfy your character orally?

    They put you constantly on your knees to please them but I don't know if it's possible to do it the other way, it's kind of unfair!

    1. That's not in the game yet, but is planned to be added at some point.

  10. Huh, where has he hinted at that? I honestly can't recall any other instance where someone's asked...

    Admittedly, though, he has been steering clear of a lot of the more "taboo" stuff so far. Shame, because now that this anon mentions it, I'd certainly like to see it included :P

  11. 0.3.4 won't start at all, regardless whether it's .jar or .exe. I'm not getting any error messages, no folders are being created, what the hell's wrong? How do you expect people to play your game if they can't even start it?

    1. The game plays perfectly fine here. Update your java maybe?

    2. Have you installed Java on your computer? If not, do so.

      Have you placed the game file in a protected location (e.g. c:\Program Files)? If so, try moving it to a normal location (e.g. c:\Games).

      You mentioned 0.3.4 specifically... have you run previous versions of the game successfully?

      Have you run through the troubleshooting guide?

      What OS are you running? Anything unusual in your hardware specs? This stuff is usually irrelevant so long as your computer can host a JVM, but someone might be able to suggest a fix or workaround.

  12. I have a really stupid question I was wondering if some one could answer me why are there so many games about men turning into to women but none about women Turing into men

    1. Not a stupid question at all, quite simple tho. lack of female's codeing/writing games with that fantasy.

    2. Not a stupid question at all, quite simple tho. lack of female's codeing/writing games with that fantasy.

  13. Is there planned to be a no time limit mode? I love this game and wish it wouldn't end at 52 weeks.

    1. There is, if you fork out 5$ a month that is. :p

      Cash well spent imo, being able to prolong the game and having a "cheat" menu to customize the settings even more, was a great addition imo and was one of the reasons why I decided to become a patron.

    2. Yes, but it'll be a bit different from the current cheat option.
      The end game will always be at 52 weeks, with the cheat allowing that to be changed so patrons can get an easier or harder experience. However, eventually you'll be able to play on after the end if don't go back to your old life.

      I want to do more lategame content before adding that though. Definitely marriage, and maybe some more advanced career content too.

  14. Indeed :(

    This is a game in which is good to plan things without the fear of the clock that runs and runs...

  15. No incest. It isn't one of my preferences, and there are some big reasons not to:

    - With your kids, even if they've been magically aged, it looks a bit too much like underage content. Although I keep my adult-game-dev identity separate from my real-life one, I do like to think I can avoid taboo content enough that it wouldn't be social suicide if I had to admit to my friends & family that I make Newlife.

    - The PC's other family won't make any appearance in game. In fact, that's one of the main reasons why the intro starts with "everything's been rubbish over the last few years". The pc is supposed to be the player in the near future, and by specifying that you've lost contact with your friends & family it means I don't need to code for the massive range of possible life situations the player might be in.

  16. Please introduce group sex/gangbangs!

    1. The complexity of a scene increases dramatically with the number of participants, so this isn't very likely except perhaps in a very restricted sense

  17. First of all let me tell you that this is the best text game I found so far.

    I would like to ask if there is a plan of:

    *Play endlessly as male/female (no limit at weeks)
    *Play as male without gender change.
    *Get more sexual content (Like give him bj, tj, fuck him/her whenever you want, not when he/she wants)
    *More jobs with co-workers (with more sexual content, such as skip work and fuck)
    *More options when having fun.
    *More clothes, haircuts, colors etc.

    I hope the best and I will check every update u do. Keep up the good work!

    P.S. Sorry for my bad english, I would like to help you with ideas, cause I got no money atm to help you with. If you want, reply. Thanks again :)

    1. Thanks :) Good to hear you're enjoying it :)

      - The end will always be at 52 weeks, although patrons have a cheat option to change it. However, there will eventually be the option to play on indefinitely after the endgame sequence, as long as the character doesn't go back to their old life.

      - There won't ever be male gameplay. That would mean rewriting almost everything in the entire game, so if I wanted to make male-perspective content then I'd be better off just making it a completely new game.

      - Depending on traits etc you can initiate sex at home (choose "ask him to bed" or "ask to be kissed"). If you have a boyfriend then you can always spend time with him in the evenings, without having to wait for him to ask you on a date.

      - Yes, there'll be more careers, along with various special/unique scenes.

      - You mean, nightlife? I think one of the planned big updates was going to be based on this.

      - Clothes, yes. Hair colours are easy to add - if you want new ones then just suggest them along with the races they'd be common for. Hair dye may get added at some point for those of you who want green/blue/pink etc, and you can use the custom hair colour option for that too.
      Haircuts will probably go in at some point, although I'm not sure exactly when. Maybe with the femininity update, so that the player can choose to get a man's haircut if they're resisting the change.
