Monday, 8 February 2016

Newlife 0.3.17

Hello everyone!

Version 0.3.17 of Newlife is finished and I've released it on Patreon. Early-access Patrons can find it in the creations section here. The changelog is below.

One important change in 0.3.17 is that I'm now distributing Newlife as a zip file containing the jar and exe files and a library folder.

Version of 0.3.16 is now public. You can download it using the links on the right-hand side of the blog. The 0.3.16 changelog is here.

As usual, saved files & templates from older versions probably won't work with newer ones. 

For new players - just use one of the links to the right to get either the jar or the exe version. You only need one or the other - not both. I recommend trying the jar first.

For either version you'll need to have Java installed. A lot of programs use Java so you might well already have it. If the jar shows up as an unrecognised file type, then you probably don't. In that case you can get it from
The exe should tell you if you don't have the right version on your computer, but you'll still need to install java to run the game.
There's a guide for new players here which includes some troubleshooting tips for installation & downloading.

This update adds an options screen and quite a few changes to support new options. In particular, it's now possible to customise font size for the major text components.

Here's the full changelog:

Major changes & additions:
  • NPCs can now end oral scenes, although not all of them will do so. If he does this then oral will be disabled for the rest of your date under most circumstances. NPCs won't end oral scenes that they initiated themselves. This has been requested quite a few times so I don't have a full list of people to credit, but most recently it was by Aethar and Death25 on tfgs.
  • Added a new PREFERS_SEX npc trait as an anti-trait to LIKES_ORAL.
  • Newlife is now deployed as a zipped folder containing both the jar and exe files as well as required library jars.
  • Fixed the longstanding bug where Newlife was checking for files such as custom npcs in the execution directory instead of the one containing the game. This won't have affected most users as these directories are usually the same, but there are some situations where they can be different.
  • Added a new options screen which can be accessed from the scene viewer, main menu and week planner using the appropriate buttons or the 'O' shortcut key. Options are saved in the newlife_gamedata folder in a .properties file. This can be modified in a text editor if you want to set options without running the game. You need to run the game at least once for the file to be created though.
  • Font size for the main text components can now be customised in the options screen. This might cause some components to get resized in an odd or visually-unappealing way, especially if the new size is very much larger than the default. For now buttons, labels and so on are still limited to the default font sizes.
  • Other options can also be set, such as default male and female names for the player-character, whether to do quickstart on beginning new games, and what type of randomisation to use on quickstart games. Note that most randomisation choices only apply to games begun as a male character. See under Minor Changes for detail of the exceptions.
  • Two new randomisation options: Secret Tweaked and Secret Chaos. These are the same as Tweaked & Chaos except the female character creation screen is skipped and the traits panel is hidden in the character screen. This means you won't know your own character's traits and will have to figure them out through gameplay.

Minor changes & bugfixes:
  • Fixes to text & UI issues issues. Thanks to BleepBloop, Sharinda, Vandana.Ghost & Cubano for reporting problems they found.
  • Fixed a problem reported by OrangeJuice where going to the gym in a sports bra would describe you as clad only in your underwear even if you were wearing yoga pants or other lower-body clothing.
  • Added some alternative lines to one of the doggy-style orgasm descriptions to avoid an issue reported by over PM on Patreon where the specific description would have the pc angrily insulting the man, but the standard insemination text that appears straight afterwards indicates that she isn't angry with him.
  • Some minor text improvements & new lines for a few existing scenes.
  • Added a new cheat requested by Patrick Daitya where all NPCs except for special ones who can't appear randomly start the game with your phone number.
  • Adjusted how men are chosen for the gym scene to make it easier to meet certain non-standard ones.
  • Made some modifications to npc action weights in the pervy client home scene. In particular, the action where he tries to have sex with the player has an increased likelihood based on her attractiveness now.
  • Improved some error handling. Exceptions in Scenes should now end the scene and be reported to the player. This will make them easier to identify & fix and mean that it should no longer be possible to get stuck on a blank scene if it errors when first called.
  • Following a question from Kyoro about sleeping with your boss for a promotion I've reduced the bonus points for that action. It will still usually be quite a lot, but if he was reluctant to give you the promotion then he might need further persuading afterwards. Jerk bosses will also now sometimes be harder to persuade.
  • Removed the quick-start buttons from the main menu, as this is now controlled by the quickstart option accessible from the options screen.
  • Doubled arousal increases to the player from the npc's actions in both pervy client scenes.
  • Added an action requested by cubano where ambitious or bitchy characters can exploit getting pregnant from the important client to pressure him into a sale.
  • The female character creation screen now starts with a random name picked if you didn't set a default.
  • Added a button to the female character creation screen that picks a new random name. The names are based on a list of popular ones in the UK that I found online, so if you don't like them blame Britain's parents, not me.
  • Setting Chaos or Secret Chaos as default quickstart option will now also affect female games. This might not make that much sense according to the storyline, but it gives people the option of playing a random character as a challenge. Any other option is ignored as the others all need to be based off a male character, which the female start doesn't have. This also applies to non-quickstart games for female start. The non-quickstart male game does not use the options, as the player's given a choice in the intro scene.

Enjoy the new version, and let me know if you find any bugs! 


  1. What's the difference between tweaked and fixed?

    1. Tweaked has a small chance of randomly modifying each value. Physical & mental changes only have higher chances of changing physical/mental traits but won't change other ones. Fixed has no random elements except for values that can't be determined based on the male template. Chaos is 100% random.

  2. Where can i post suggestions?

    1. You can post them here, but if you're a supporter then patreon is better - either start a new post or comment on one of mine.

      However, I get a lot of suggestions that are too big to do unless they were something I was planning anyway.
      If your ideas require adding new scenes, altering key game mechanics or making updates to a wide range of current scenes then they won't get done - I need to focus on the core content that was voted in for 0.3.

    2. Ok, thanks. I just wanted to ask if you could change it so when you pick the option to not go back to your old life at the end of the game, that we could then keep playing indefinitely?

    3. I do plan to do something like that, but only when there's more lategame content. probably sometime after marriage gets added.

    4. Thanks Ostrich, you're the best!

  3. Can you move the cheat menu? When you do Secret Tweaked or Chaos option you can access it :c

    1. Probably not - the whole thing is tied up in the character creator so changing it would be a fairly time-consuming change. I think it'd be too much development time to put into a feature that wouldn't be of any value to non-patrons or to patrons using other start options.

  4. Replies
    1. You're welcome. Have fun being hassled for dates by the entire town :)

    2. My favorite part. Now I have had a baby with each one of the NPC's, i know I'm a millionaire still the expenses should be high, right? :v

    3. Hah, I think babies don't cost anything at the moment... maybe the men do pay child support after all...

  5. Yes, but only if you're in his home. It's one of the actions he can take - I think it needs him to have a certain level of arousal.

  6. I apologize if this has been asked before, but would it be possible to add the following?
    1. A pussy hair/shaving mechanic? Like some guys find hairy attractive or unattractive.
    2. Ability to wear a condom during a blowjob (handjob works but I don't think to completion, is that possible too?)?
    3. Be able to dismount or have him stop to suck him off to cum (like after you orgasm and you're too sensitive to continue sex, or literally just an option to force a "pull out" since most guys either barely succeed or cum inside).

    Thank you for all you do, I love this game!

    1. Hi, thanks for the suggestions, but I'm unlikely to implement them:

      1: It's *possible* I might add this, but I'm trying to avoid adding more complexity to the game because it slows down adding new scenes. This is the sort of thing that I won't be considering until the core parts of the game are pretty much done.

      2: This is another thing that's quite niche - I might consider it, again, late in development but for now I think there are more important things to work on.

      3: You can do this in the cowgirl position. The pull-out option is intentionally unreliable - it feeds into the accidental impregnation theme.

  7. More money sinks would be nice. For instance:
    -Makeup. (+X attractiveness boost while supply is >0, cost money to restock)
    -Paying rent (could introduce new landlord NPC)
    -Cigarettes (stress relief while supply is >0, causes addiction resulting in additional stress while supply remains 0.)
    -Sickness (If sick, would not receive income from work, would have to spend moneyon medicine to recover faster)

    1. Since money is easy to come by even if you refuse promotions, something that would make things interesting would be to be able to quit your job or be fired.

      Not having a job and relying on mooching off others/ generous friends would make for a pretty interesting challenge.

    2. Yeah, good idea. Maybe as a temporary, random event? Like getting laid off, or the company going out of business. A pretty girl with empty pockets might get into all sorts of trouble if she had to keep covering the rent and such.

      Possible seduction/influence of landlord. Maybe stooping to exchanging sexual favors for money at the adult theatre? Oh, glory hole! Damn, this is a good idea.

  8. Many thanks for the custom font size option ^_^

  9. Found a minor spelling error in 3.16. While visiting the adult theatre with her boss, this line occurred, "You can feel the warmth of his grip through your thin lacy bra, and it makes your whole body feels good,..." 'Feels good' should be 'feel good.' Love the game, by the way!

  10. How to get this new gym scene?

  11. Found minor spelling and grammar errors in 3.17. While on an evening date with one of her suitors, this line popped, "You give him a big smile, and tell him that when you're in bed with someone you like you love it when they takes (should be 'take') you as hard as he (should be 'they') can." Loving the update so far. Great game!

    1. Thanks! I'll get that fixed. I also found a bug in that piece of text which I've fixed too. It was supposed to be "in bed with him" if you'd had sex with your date and "in bed with someone you like" if you hadn't, but it was the other way around.
      It also seems to be missing an option for virgin characters - I'll put one of those in too.

  12. Minor spelling error in 3.17. After attending a dance class as a beginner, this line popped, "The lesson is difficult for you. Being led by a man is something that you've (should be 'you're') beginning to get a grasp on, but you still sometimes struggle with timing."

  13. Do you think there could be a way for people to add custom scenes ? Getting tired of waiting the anal content.

  14. Not sure if this is a deliberate mistake or doctors happy to give credit but as of Version 0.3.16 you can buy Condoms/Pill from the doctors even when you dont have the cash for them. It gives you a negative balance and allows you to buy them anyway; can't buy fertility treatment without the money however.

    1. That's deliberate - there's actually a mention of this if you can't afford the bus fare (the doctors won't refuse you treatment, but you might go into debt). The fertility treatment is optional enough that the doctors will refuse it.

      In real life the pill is free in the UK on the NHS, but I guess Newlife is set in a nightmare dystopian future of expensive contraception and condom-hating men.
