Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Plans for the near future

Hi all, I wrote a rough outline of upcoming releases for a comment on Patreon, so I figured I'd copy them here.

As with all such discussions of future additions, these are my thoughts at this moment in time and might be subject to change. You shouldn't consider them a binding promise.

0.3.24: Big new friendship scene (no details here... beg the inner-circle for info if you must know!)
0.3.25: Another big new scene that I'm keeping secret-ish but will involve the outcome of a current vote.
0.4.0: final touches to friendship scenes (e.g. adding sophisticated friends to the bar scene). This ends the friendship update. I might need two releases if there turn out to be a lot of final touches - I'll go over my notes at the time and decide then.
0.4.1: A release covering additions that aren't based on a particular major update. This might include things like UI improvements, legwear, or generally any changes that don't have an obvious place.
0.4.2: Probably the PMW release, assuming the vote's done in time.
0.4.3: probably similar to 0.4.1, as I doubt I'll have finished the 0.5 vote yet.
0.4.4: Assuming the vote has finished, this will be the start on whatever voters chose for the 0.5 major update.


  1. Patreon is offline atm, so I'll post my answer here instead.

    Thank you, that answered a whole lot of my questions that I've been waiting to ask, but never got around too actually do.

    Also, thank you for showing us the future plan of the upcoming releases, it's nice to know what to expect for the future releases. Even if the future releases is subject to changes, it's still good to know what to roughly expect.

    As for begging for more info, I trust them to give me a nice surprise in the end. :p

  2. > I trust them to give me a nice surprise in the end.

    Unlikely. Anal hasn't come on top in the votes for quite some time now.

    1. Anal isn't an option in this vote anyway: it'll be available in the PMW vote if someone puts it forward there.

    2. What do you mean Manty? The only vote it's even been in was the first PMW, and IIRC it came in second

    3. There was a second vote for an extra sex scene some time ago, and it came second that time as well.

  3. Meh, I'd rather have 10 new scenes than seeing anal sex in the game. Not that I'm against anal though, far from it, but it's not on top of my own personal fetish list.

    1. ow about 20 new scenes!
      (this is meant as a terrible joke)

    2. You shall have your 20 scenes!

      Just, you know, not all at once. Might take a while. Although, technically there'll be 3 or 4 new scenes in the next release.

  4. Is there going to be a friendship event that all (or at least most) NPCs are eligible for in any of the upcoming versions? Right now the majority of NPCs in any given game don't meet the requirements for any friendship content aside from the initial befriending event.

    1. That was going to be the one I'm working on now, but it won't work so well with just 1-3 NPCs so I've extended it to allow non-friends too.

  5. When will those impregnator destroy the player's birth control tools?

    1. once there is the ability to be barren or something similar according to the last time I saw S.O. post about that.

    2. There'll be an "improved pregnancy" update that'll be available in the 0.5 vote. The main focus for that will be getting a better implementation of lactation and more content for it but things like contraceptino sabotage might fit there too.

      Aside from that, it could get added as an off-schedule update like legwear, but there's a lot of other things that it's competing with there, so the final answer is: "I don't know".

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  7. U think to add more jobs?Maybe aid,waitres,stripper,gym teacher....

    1. At some point, yes. As to when, that'll depend on voting.

  8. And u think t add more scnes at computer like sex chat....(with strangers o not)

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  15. i hope you create something like this. truly love each other, but unhappy sex-partner. e.g. 'small penis' trait, 'male premature ejaculation' trait, 'lack of skill in sexual caress' trait, etc...

    As a result of incompetent boyfriend/husband, player affair with another man. sex with a powerful sex-machine Jerk. (player want a one night stand. she didn't want Continuous sexual intercourse.)

    and as a result of affair with another man(probably jerk), he start to blackmail player into Continuous sexual intercourse with him.
    (player can refuse such rough contents)

    After that event, The Jerk visit Player flat, very often.
    forcibly become friends with That Jerk. (automatically added)

    I really really want something like this.
    Player have sex with Jerk while she talking on the phone with boyfriend/husband. player hide immorality.
    because player desperately trying to keep true love... or she just enjoy affair with powerful sex-machine Jerk. (depend on her character/personality)

    (of course, player can refuse/end such rough contents any time. I'm not saying rape events! I hate rape. i want a just more sexual tension events.)

    sorry, My English skill is very low.

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    3. player has the last say in the matter. First, Jerk continue threat. and using more rough word. pestering player with phone calls. unexpectedly jerk visit player's flat, very often, very insistently. a bit of sexual harassment.
      forcibly become friends with That Jerk. Automatically added...
      (During this time, it won't be possible to remove Jerk from friends lists.)

      But player have a firm will. eventually Jerk had to give in.
      And automatically remove jerk from friends lists.

      this is not rape events. this is more sexual tension events.

    4. i'm sorry for a lot of (deleted) comments. i just modify comments.

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    7. During this immoral relationship with jerk, The Jerk visit Player flat, very often, for sex.. Especially player have date with boyfriend. Just when she was going out, Jerk must come and demand sex. of cause brake a date. (of course Jerk visit player's flat anytime. Even when player doesn't have a date with boyfriend.)

      player will send a text message or make a phone call to boyfriend. she said "i'm afraid i won't be able to come." work for late or catch a cold or etc... while Having sex with jerk.
      (I prefer make a phone call to boyfriend while having sex with jerk. she was sex and phone call at the same time.. and boyfriend doesn't notice anything. too kinky?)

      If player choice to send a text message, boyfriend phone player when she have sex with jerk.(for a chat or be apprehensive for player's condition)

      During sex scene, Boyfriend suddenly visit player's flat! He push the doorbell when she having sex with jerk. (It's random chance.)

      Player have many option.
      she confess to having sex with another man.(and player try to ask boyfriend for his forgiveness)
      Or she keep telling lies. (because player desperately trying to keep true love. she doesn't want to hurt boyfriend)
      Or she doesn't answer and she just have sex with jerk with enthusiasm. (And poor boyfriend doesn't think anyone is home.)
      Or etc...

      player have a choice. (of course, player refuse this contents. anytime or before beginning.)

    8. Less of the problem of English and more of a problem of how many posts you made and deleted.

    9. player had already married, 'jerk visit' events that occur when husband go on a business trip, or he work overtime, or he go out with his friends.

      lastly, jerk leave evidence behind. especially sexual thing. sextoy, lingerie.
      jerk put hotel receipt into player's pocket or flat. Receipt of a hotel enjoy an affair.
      affer sex scene, jerk Intentionally leave a trace. hickeys on the player's body. or bruises...

      and... i hope you make the tattoo & piercing system someday. It's just my wish.
      jerk insistently demand or tempt player. be tempted to tatto or piercing. His intentions are for leaving evidence of the conquest.

      As I said earlier, my English writing skill is very poor. Because I am living in non-English-speaking country. so I doubt my idea was successfully delivered? describe?
      I'm sorry to bother you. I will always back you up. bye.

    10. plus She is under suspicion of having lied to boyfriend/husband. but she can manage to avert dissolution. (depend on her social skill)

    11. NoOne ButMyself // i really sorry for that. just modify comments...

    12. to sum up, i hope added some trait. small penis, premature ejaculation, lack of skill in sexual caress, etc.

      Player relieves her stress by taking her sexual frustration out on streager. especially powerful sex-machine guy. one night stand.

      but Jerk want continuous sexual intercourse with player.
      She has her choice between faithful and unfaithful.

      lastly, jerk leave evidence behind. very Intentionally.
      His intentions are for leaving evidence of the conquest.

    13. Or you could take a few minutes to sum up thoughts in one post. Personally, I have a mental issue with writing and saying what I think while making it understandable.

      Taking the time to compose a post in a single comment both makes it more legible and is much nicer for everyone reading the sections.

      Also, modify comments? I fail to see this option anywhere on the page.

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  17. Any idea of when we can see the next version?

    1. Soon(tm)
      Reality: should be very soon. next few days.

  18. Are there any news on that lesbian content update? Because that's pretty much what I'd vote for right now... also (and sorry if this has been mentioned before, couldn't find it), where is that vote?

    1. vote is for Patreon only to direct influence. It may be what comes next. it may not be.

    2. I see, thanks for the heads-up!

    3. i should also add, it is Patreon reward tier $10+ only. Not all Patreon's.

    4. That'll be the 0.5 vote that I mentioned in my post. It'll come shortly after the PMW vote - probably the next month. The PMW vote will be shortly after the 0.4.0 release.

  19. I know I'm not a patron and so I have very little say in what goes on with this game, however, I would like a lesbian option for us that would like to see that, maybe? Just a nice idea, if it doesn't happen I understand that it may not rate high on your priorities and I understand that Patrons have a higher say, but please at least consider it.
