Saturday, 14 February 2015

Happy Valentine's day!

Happy Valentine's day everyone! I hope you have a great day with your special someone.
If you don't have a special someone just yet, then remember that you're special too. Go ahead and treat yourself to something that will make you happy!

Newlife's a bit too early in development to have any special valentine's content - although next year might be a different story. If you're starting a game today though, go ahead and click that checkbox for the romantic trait, and let's hope you can find a bloke who'll treat you like the lovely flower that you are.


  1. Any idea when 0.2.7'll be out, boss? Not to sound impatient, but a lot of us have been eagerly waiting... :P

    1. I know it's what I want for Valentine's day... :D

    2. It's still a fair bit off. It's now looking like 0.2.8 should have 5 new scenes to properly cover the new skill, which makes it quite a bit bigger than the usual Newlife release. I might see how far I get by next weekend, release what's ready, and push the rest into 0.2.9.

    3. Sorry, I'm a little confused - are you talking about 0.2.7 or 0.2.8? Those of us without the money for Patreon are still on 0.2.6 (unless you have no plans to publicly release 0.2.7, in which case pay me no mind).

    4. I'll make a proper blog post about this when 0.2.8 is done, but the plan is for 0.2.7 to be released publicly when 0.2.8 is released to patrons. Then 0.2.8 will be made public when 0.2.9 is finished, and so on.

    5. Alright, I've got you. I suppose it does leave us normals on the same version for what would normally be 2 releases, but if that's what's best in the long run :)

    6. I know it's annoying. I've been trying to mitigate it by putting more time into coding. My original plan was to do 2 releases in the time of 1, and put them out together... but that doesn't really work well with the size of the dance update.
      Putting more hours in was fine for 0.2.7 which I think came out quite a bit faster than a release of that size usually would. I've had to take a few days without much coding this week though, so that's limited development on 0.2.8. Still, I should be able to spend more time on it over the next 5-6 days, so I hope that'll go more smoothly.

    7. Damn, i feel sad about this.
      I usually do not play games untill all patches are out, with NEW LIFE i'm practically always behind, can you like... give us, mortals, a few days to play it before we know how bad we suck?

    8. Sorry, no. It's supposed to be an incentive for people to support the game. I want new patrons to always be able to immediately benefit from it, no matter when they choose to make their pledge.
      I know it might look as though I'm very focused on money recently, but I do have to get that Patreon high enough to pay my rent, bills & living expenses, or I'll be forced to relegate Newlife to weekends and go explain in a job interview that the year-long gap in my CV is because I was writing gender-bender erotica!

  2. Loving the game so far!, keep up the good work :D

  3. Hey, I got introduced by this game by the fenoxo game forums, and I really like what you're doing with this. It's like cursed except not tedious and overly complicated. I have some questions and suggestions though.

    1. I don't understand what separate certain clothes from having cuteness/elegance or naughtiness/casualness? There's not much of a difference between a blue or a black top. But then again, I'm stupid.

    2. Is there a way to see the total points of the outfits? I don't really feel like there's any change when building an outfit. I'm not even sure if the points do anything but if you are planning to have events based on totalled up points, it might be a good idea to make it easy for the player to see the total points of an outfit.

    3. Are you planning to have any traits that boost the attraction to fat/chubby people?

    I'm very excited for the friendship system, and I can't wait to support you after I stop being a broke college student.

    1. Hi there, good to hear you're enjoying it :)

      1. There's no random factor with clothes except the price. Some clothing items have stat effects from colour - I might revisit that and remove the effect from most colours. Cutesy pink and innocent white being cute makes sense, but maybe having red & black do the opposite isn't quite so obvious!
      Otherwise, clothing flags are important - if a top is thin, or lowcut or whatever for example, and the length of your skirts also has a big effect.

      2. There's an outfit summary screen in 0.2.7. At least for now you need to actually complete the outfit before it'll show the values though - I might have a look at that later too and see it can cover outfits in progress too, but I'm not sure how straightforward it'd be - the outfit doesn't get properly validated until you finish creating it.

      The stats affect your underlying attributes which affects how attractive you are to different men. If you take the beautiful trait then you'll often find that most guys will want you regardless, but if you're plain then you need to pay more attention to their tastes.
      There's also some special text & effects in a few places from overall cuteness etc. In particular, you can unlock the "cute" behaviour by dressing up that way even if you don't have the cute trait.

      3. Haha, more than just traits! A lot of the code supports having customisable attraction levels and that nearly got added for version 0.1, but I didn't end up putting in the UI elements that let the player choose, so it just uses a set of default values. When that goes it (and it will, sooner or later), you'll be able to set how much you like each male body type individually.

  4. 1. Long skirts are more elegant, short skirts more casual, providing quick access in the back alleys such girls often find themselves in. Knee-length are often neutral on that matter.

    2. Right now you can only see the totals on the character screen. I wish you could see them on the outfit screen, updated as each piece is selected, allowing you to "build" your character. That extra space in between the individual closing list and the finished outfits list would do quite nicely.

    1. Hi there. There's an outfit summary pane in 0.2.7, but it doesn't show stats of in-progress outfits. I'll have a look over whether that'll be possible, but the Outfit objects do a bit more than just total up the clothing values so there might be some issues with changing it to allow that.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Understood and thanks for the reply. Also, if there is even more going under the hood than just totals, it might be even more important to see the impact before you hit "save outfit". Also, if players see things not adding up right, they can let you know a LOT easier.

      Of course, if the "more under the hood" is location-specific, then that might not be practical...

  5. Just dropping by after a patreon pledge. Your game is outstanding and I hope you will keep it up.

    1. Thank you! Next release at the weekend - I hope you'll enjoy it :)
