Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Newlife 0.3.9

Hello everyone!

Version 0.3.9 of Newlife is finished and I've released it on Patreon. Early-access Patrons can find it in the creations section here. The changelog is below.
That also means that the 0.3.8 release has been made public. I've updated the links here on the blog, so you can download it now from here. The 0.3.8 changelog is here.

As usual, saved files & templates from older versions probably won't work with newer ones. 

For new players - just use one of the links to the right to get either the jar or the exe version. You only need one or the other - not both. I recommend trying the jar first.

For either version you'll need to have Java installed. A lot of programs use Java so you might well already have it. If the jar shows up as an unrecognised file type, then you probably don't. In that case you can get it from http://www.java.com/
The exe should tell you if you don't have the right version on your computer, but you'll still need to install java to run the game.
There's a guide for new players here which includes some troubleshooting tips for installation & downloading.

Here's the full changelog for 0.3.9:
  • Fixes to text issues. Thanks to Cubano, Bagashi, Jenneke, atc, antage and OrangeJuice for reporting problems they found.
  • Added an option to sell your home decorations from the scene where you shop for your flat. You recoup half the money, and can then buy a different decoration if you want. This was suggested by The Observer on Fenoxo's forum.
  • Men can now always push you to your knees if you're too pregnant to have sex while standing – this should fix an issue reported by OrangeJuice where pregnant standing makeouts could go on forever if the player didn't take appropriate action to get the guy off. I also improved the logic a little for impregnator npcs and oral sex.
  • Fixed a bug I found while answering a forum question from freyja where stress reduction from taking care of your children with high childcare skill wasn't being properly handled and in some cases could actually increase stress. While there is still a random element, you will now never suffer a stress increase if you have a childcare skill of 80 or more.
  • Added a change requested by Herrzimm where you can lean over and use your mouth in the porn theatre. This requires your partner to have his cock out, and there are other requirements based on traits & behaviour.
  • Halved the duration of the nightclub dancing scene and rebalanced action effects & weights to compensate.
  • Changed the chance of an npc initiating nightclub dancing to be based on his dance traits. The probability for good dancers is the same as before, for average ones slightly lower, and for bad dancers very low.
  • Men who are bad dancers now have a chance of refusing when the player asks them to dance in a nightclub.
  • Fixed a bug reported by Secondarian in one of the last version's new scenes, where refusing to open your legs would cause an error.
  • Following a request from Zia, the escape key now lets you quit to the main menu from the week planner screen. This ends the current game without the possibility of returning so save first if you plan to continue it later.
  • Following another suggestion from Zia, your breasts will now be one size larger when you're in the second or third trimester of pregnancy.
  • Following a suggestion on Patreon, added a Charmless option in character creation which gives you -40 to your starting & maximum charm skill.
  • Added some new text for the “cup his balls” action when the player has the maternal trait and is pregnant with the man's child, or if she's fertile and he's already fathered a child on her before.
  • Added a new npc trait 'Misanthrope' which will sometimes appear for men with the Jerk personality – the chance is currently 50%. This puts a (fairly low) cap on the maximum he can like you – a change that may need balancing in the future. This should be interesting for people who want Jerks to continue being jerkish long-term, but it does mean that you're no longer guaranteed to be able to “win over” a man who treats you badly at first. It is still possible for him to fall in love with you, although liking does have some input into love calculations so there may be some cases where this is prevented.
  • Added a new friendship effect that can appear for misanthropes, although it'll be quite rare for them to actually become someone's friend.
  • One new breakfast option, as suggested by Cubano.
  • Fixed a bug reported over PM on Patreon where some of your clothing wasn't being removed properly in the impregnator's seduction story even when the text said he was taking it off.
  • Fixed the relationship browser not considering any men to be present in the gym scene.
  • Added a sexy new scene which can be accessed by going to the gym.
  • Added a different second scene which is also accessed by going to the gym. Get your sports kit on!

Enjoy the new version, and let me know if you find any bugs!


  1. Any new on when you'll get the custom character loader in? And will that be a patron-only thing, or will it be for anyone once the appropriate version is made public?

    And if I donate on Patreon, can I download the patron version right away, or do I need to wait until the first of the month when the payment goes through (or whenever it is that the payment goes through) before I can download the patron version?

    1. can take up to 24 hours but normally only few minutes before you can download

    2. Custom characters will probably be done next month, but it's possible it might get delayed until October if the "prove me wrong" release takes a long time.
      I think it'll probably be in the public version, unless the non-patrons do something to really tick me off over the next month or so.

      As for the Patreon version, you should be able to get it straight away.

  2. Let me ask something that has been bothering me for a while: When you get a boyfriend you can no longer get new friends? No matter how many times I hang out with others guy and just chat, there isn't a befriend option.

    1. I've done some testing and it is possible to make friends when you have a bf.
      However, the non-sexual options are currently quite slow to raise relationships, and if either of you dislikes the other's personality then relationship will usually fall instead.
      There will be more non-sexual ways to improve relationships in the future. For now, a fully non-sexual friendship is possible but slow to build and requires both of you to be likable for the other person.

  3. what "escaping-through-windows outfit" exactly is?

    1. It is if you picked female creation at the beginning. Outfit is from the initial story.

    2. As deuce says. In the female start, you escape through a window from some criminals and leave all your things behind. This is the outfit you were wearing when you ran away.
      You don't get it if you were transformed at all, as your old clothes are then assumed not to fit. It is possible to be transformed if you play through the female start, but the quick-start assumes you weren't.

  4. Love the game. Perhaps you could let us name our kids, though? It's a small thing, but it's weird to see them listed simply as "boy," "girl," etc. (Maybe the father makes a suggestion if he's in the picture, and you have to pass a willpower check to override it?)

    1. I did consider this, but rejected it - just as you say, it's a small thing considering that kids don't make many appearances in the game, but the development time needed wouldn't be so small.
      The reason it'd be complicated to implement is because of the UI changes needed - there isn't an existing system to prompt the player for free-text input.

    2. ...Can't you just use JOptionPane.showInputDialog?

    3. Yes, but that would mean setting up a way for the Scene objects to request that the UI prompt for text input. It's too much for just naming kids that are anyway almost never mentioned specifically enough for their names to be used.

    4. I agree that in the game's current state there's not much point... but do you not have plans to ever add any sort of family-related content that *would* reference kids more specifically? Mentions of "your son" or "your daughter" would still work to some extent, but could get confusing of you have several

    5. *if you have
      Anyhow. Obviously I don't know what your code looks like, but why wouldn't it be as simple as adding

      String newChildName = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("What will your child's name be?");

      right after the line that tells you its gender?

    6. What about giving the kids random names? I assume that there will be a list of names for female NPCs when they get added to the game. When that happens both boy and girl children could just be assigned a random name from their respective lists. People wont get to name their kids, but you wouldn't need to worry about inputting text, and it would avoid the whole "weird" factor of having your children only listed by gender and the order they were birthed.

    7. That's something I'll have a think about, maybe giving the player a choice of a handful of names from the standard list.
      Something like:
      "You give birth to a beautiful baby girl. Cradling your newborn in your arms, you wonder what to name her. A name is such a small thing, and yet so important. You want to pick the right one to set your little one on a good path in life. "
      Available name choices:

    8. Yeah, that'd work too. Anything's better than leaving them nameless :P

    9. Someone somewhere has named their poor child "Nameless". You know it to be true.

      Would it be too much work to look up common names based on ethnicity? Like I don't know how your code works at all on that. Even if you told me I don't know how code works at all.

    10. I don't plan to have names separated by race. I did consider something like this early in development, and concluded that it'd end up being a massive PITA

  5. I never was able to find the random event added in 0.38. Any hints?

    1. It's intentionally specific to some unusual situations. I want the final version of the game to have some rare events that don't show up in many games, so it has more replayability. This is one of them.
      The key requirement is that you play a character with the bitchy trait and have a friend with the impregnator trait but not the boastful one. There's a few other requirements - you'd want to avoid pregnancy and I think you need a decent relationship strength.

      As you can see, it's something that'll only show up very occasionally.

    2. Are there variables beyond that as well on the player side? I've come across three different options for that scene (seduce, wine, honesty), but am curious if I'm missing some.
      That said, by far the best scene I've come across in games to date.

    3. Thanks, glad you liked it :)

      Those are the only three main branches to the event.
      The former two both have requirements: being clear headed removes the option to suggest wine as the player doesn't associate it with making foolish decisions, and the seduction option is only available if the man is charming or handsome.

    4. What would the text be for someone with the impregnator trait? I know boastful will mention whether the person is boastful but nothing else.
      Btw, the game is really good.

    5. "He likes getting girls pregnant."

      Took me forever to get this scenario to play out, but it is completely worth it!

    6. Is impregnator something you find out about simply by getting to know someone well enough or do you have to actually have unprotected sex with them?

    7. You need a knowledge of 95 to see it in the relationship browser, which isn't possible yet. It's intended as a negative trait that you might not know about when you get into a serious relationship with him, and until as-yet-unimplemented advanced relationships are added it won't be discoverable.

    8. Interesting, guess I'll keep trying with some likely candidates then :)

    9. Good luck! If it helps, only jerks can get the impregnator trait.

  6. what about a masochist trait? will there be one? i like when my char is treated roughly during sex

    1. Yes, in the next release, though at the moment I'm calling it "likes rough sex". You can thank the patrons for that - it won the 'prove me wrong' vote.

  7. Does the public version of 3.8 have the cheats in it? I couldn't find them in it.

  8. Only the Patreon versions have the cheats.

  9. I'm fairly certain that forgetful is broken. My girl has all sorts of bonuses that should lead to her being pregnant, and she sleeps with 2-4 guys every week, but 30 weeks in, no pregnancy.

    1. You choose unusual body chemistry by any chance too?

    2. The chance of forgetting to take your pill is 10% each week with the forgetful trait. If you don't forget, then it'll guarantee you don't get pregnant. If you forget to take it then you get the usual calculations.
      It's quite possible to not get pregnant as a forgetful character who's on the pill even if you're quite promiscuous.

      Unusual body chemistry is similar but has a 50% chance of disabling the pill, so that one is far more risky.

  10. This may seem like an odd request, but would it be possible to add in a portion to the GUI to allow for portraits? Nothing fancy, just a little rectangular box to allow a custom portrait of our girl if the user so desires.

    1. Not for now. That's the sort of thing I'd think about near the end of development when all the core elements are in the game and the UI's in a more final state so I can see if there's free space.

  11. May I ask what the theater is and how to access a scene there? I've played quite a bit, but I've never run into anything like that.

    1. Go on a date with a sleazy man, and let him decide what to do. He might decide to take you there.
      The same goes with a lot of other choices - "let him decide" options often let the npc choose something that isn't available for the player.

  12. I have a bug to report. Playing female start, I got the following text while giving a blowjob and masturbating at the same time:

    "With your free hand, you caress one of your full breasts. Even with your plain pink balcony bra covering it, you can feel the feminine swell in your hands, enjoying every squeeze and caress, its sensitivity meaning this breast of yours is perhaps something you associate with pleasure even more now than the fading memories of your penis. "

    Which is a strange memory for a 100% woman to have. I had the clever hands trait, if that helps. Let me know if you need any other details.

  13. Two bug reports:

    When going with Horse first, my girl went down on him and finished. When it was the other guy's turn and I chose him, it kept going back to horse. It was stuck like this until I escaped.

    The fight it orgasm option for being 100% female start still talks about being a male before being changed.

    And lastly, a question:

    Is it possible to meet Horse outside the gym? My girl has gotten pregnant by him and I want to tell him. If it's not possible in this version, will it ever be possible in another version?

    1. >Is it possible to meet Horse outside the gym? My girl has gotten pregnant by him and I want to tell him. If it's not possible in this version, will it ever be possible in another version?

      Yeah, I wish that most sex-ing actions (like the one in the gym, or the one with the sleazy client, or the one with the retired man, or your boss) gave the option to give them your number so you could meet up with them outside of those circumstances.

    2. It is possible to meet Horse outside the gym but it's very random. Horse needs to be a good dancer and you need to meet him at a dancing competition and you have to partner with him and win. Then, during the celebrations he asks for your number and he can ask you on dates from then on.

    3. Wait, Kao, its possible to do it with the retired man?

    4. @Patrick - I know it's possible to wind up being able to date him under very specific circumstances (I can't remember if I did it via being rescued from a mugger, or via winning a dance competition with him)... I'm not sure what Kao is referencing though, he makes it sound like there's a scene when visiting him

    5. I succeeded in meeting Horse at the dance competition like the anonymous poster said, and eventually got him to boyfriend status. It would seem that meeting up with Horse is mostly an accident of how the game assigns NPCs to events due to their traits, but the game actually takes into account that Horse and the player are dating, as the other NPC in the gym scene will sometimes thank Horse for letting him have sex with his girlfriend.

    6. That's a bug, but I'll wait until I add the path that unlocks Horse as a dateable character before I fix it. The special text in the gym scene is because it's always been my intention to have a way of going on dates with him, I just haven't added the necessary content yet.

  14. Any hint to what the second new scene in the Gym is? Assuming it's not the Horse/Jerk one.

    1. It's the smaller one where you go to the men's changing rooms. There's two ways into the scene - accidentally or deliberately.

    2. Are there any prerequisites for "accidentally" walking into the men's changeroom, or is it completely random?

    3. One would think that Forgetful would influence accidentally walking into the wrong room.

    4. I ask because I've tried on numerous amounts of characters, with and without the "Forgetful" trait, to get it to trigger and I've thus far failed.

      So I'm curious if there are any other variables I'm supposed to be looking out for.

    5. Forgetful increases the chance, but you need to have low femininity, so it won't be possible for the female start, and you also can't have the perceptive trait

  15. Hey, quick bug report.

    My character is a female start, medium option for breasts, and the sensitive breasts trait. I go on a date with a guy, he takes me to the dirty movie, and then we go into the alley. He pushes me on my knees, I switch to my mouth, and start touching myself, then this little tidbit appears a few times:

    "With your free hand, you caress one of your full breasts. Even with your plain red full-cup bra covering it, you can feel the feminine swell in your hands, enjoying every squeeze and caress, its sensitivity meaning this breast of yours is perhaps something you associate with pleasure even more now than the fading memories of your penis."

    Obviously, the part with the "memories of your penis" is an outlier. Not sure if it's present in other scenes.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I stay playing the patreon verion for hours an is imposible take the horse scene.Any help?

    1. You need to work out together with his friend, and said friend needs to find you attractive. The threshold isn't too high, but plain girls might need to do some extra work - if that's being difficult then taking beautiful means it's unlikely he won't fancy you.
      His friend should be easy to identify as he;'ll make inappropriate comments when you work out together. If that's somehow still a problem then use the psychic cheat - he's the only npc with both the cold-hearted and misanthrope traits.

  18. Just wondering when the 0.3.9 will be opened up to the public? Love the game and cant wait to see more of it

    1. When the next version comes out the previous one goes open to the public.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. So, can I break up with an NPC? "Unfriend" option in "Show Friends" screen is unclickable.

    1. Breakups will be properly added with the relationship update - they aren't in the game yet except in some very specific circumstances.

  21. Why can't I make my bf go down on ME? I thought that by "female perspective" it actually meant sex more focused on female pleasure, but all I can do is give pleasure to my guy and all he does in return is "eagerly fingering" or simply putting his penis up my vagina. He pretty much never touches my character's clit so I have no idea how she orgasms. Maybe I'm weird, but penetration doesn't get me even close to that in real life. I guess my character feels similiar? Even though she has sensitive vagina and sensitive boobs traits she didn't get an orgasm for in-game weeks. :/

    Is cunnilingus going to be implemented in the future? What about anal? I guess lesbian sex is off limits, so I'm not even going to ask about that.

    1. Actually lesbian sex is part of a planned update, and cunnilingus is waiting for lesbian sex to be added before the guys are allowed engage in it. I'm hoping there will be another round user suggested NPC dialogue for the scene, as I've already got my list started:

      "He touches his tongue to your clit and tells you that mffmghrrmma mfrmmggrfd hmmmsdfud."

    2. Good to know! Maybe my character will finally get a decent orgasm from her guy. xD

  22. Sorry for disturb,for when a version 4.0.Thanks

    1. 4.0 will be when the friendship update finishes - months away. The next version will be 0.3.10 - probably within the next week or so

    2. Shouldn't the next version be 3.A instead?

    3. Can you name a successful game that went hexadecimal? I can't.

    4. I couldn't name a single *unsuccessful* game that went into hex :P

  23. Any plans of adding a forum for discussions? it would be nice :)

    1. Agreed. The patreon comments are insufficient. Also do you intend to release the source anytime soon for modding? It would allow people to add in their own fetishes, etc.

    2. The source code question has been answered previously. "Not until the game is complete" was the minimum, with the implication that the code might not be released EVER (because Splendid Ostrich is a bit embarrassed about the organization).

    3. I don't have experience of setting up & running forums, and the hassle involved in doing so and then moderating it & dealing with spam posts means I'm reluctant to add one to the blog.

    4. You could post links on the sidebar to the big threads already on hongfire and tfgames, although the latter requires registering to view. I agree that real forum software makes for better discussion, and being able to use ubb tags means that any typo I report can show up in deeply shameful red text. Especially disappointing mistakes can use size 14 font.

    5. but... you don't use red text when you report bugs on Hongfire...

  24. aight makes me kinda sad but its fine. :) I'm off lurking till next patreon release.

    Keep up the good work!

  25. Is an option to enlarge the font in main text area possible?

    1. I'll look into it next time I do a batch of UI changes

  26. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, or if I'm just terrible at this, but I'm having trouble lowering my character's stress. No matter what I do, it always seems to go up.

    1. Be promoted, have lots of sex, buy stuff for your apartment

    2. Yeah unfortunately ATM the best way to live a stress-free life is to be as slutty as humanly possible :P

      IIRC SO has plans to significantly rework stress, so by the time it actually becomes important to keep it low (doesn't affect much as it is now) there should be a number of other ways to go about it

  27. Orgasms and stuff for your apartment helps :)

  28. Hi im waiting for the new patreon verion but i have a doubt,for what help u the work expirence at' 3.9 version or maybe in 4.0,its for future update or at the moment works for something?

  29. Just Curious, did/do you have any plans for changes/transformations to the character in-game? Like Breast Implants, Hair Dye, or even things as radical as mythological changes (Vampire, Succubus, Dragon, etc...) and ethnic changes? I saw these in Cursed! and I think these would be cool additions to Newlife

    1. Please, no. This is one of the very few (or the only one that's actually good) erotic text games that's completely free of that furry/transformation crap. If you're into that stuff, just play those other games and leave this one alone.

    2. I was just curious as to whether or not those things were being planned for implementation. Though, I still think the realistic ones (Hair Dye, Breast Implants) would be a good idea to add...

    3. I'm with the previous anon. Please, SO, don't put that mythological stuff into Newlife. This game is unique precisely because it DOESN'T have all that and because it's actually well-made.

    4. To be fair, Cursed! is a decent game in itself and compared to NewLife I would say the latter will be a much better game in time, but for now it doesn't have a lot involved. Plus I'm far more fond of Cursed!'s day to day life cycle than NewLife's weekly cycle. That and Cursed!'s gender-bending introduction reads better, where the former male character has to adjust to being a woman. You don't really see that at all in NewLife.

      That said, NewLife's sex scenes are leagues better, but to be honest I don't care so much for the sex but am more interested in the slice of life nature of both games and Cursed! is a far better choice in that regard, regardless of the furry/transformation content. Can avoid it, after all.

      Still, both it and NewLife are great games. =)

    5. I think that Newlife's current system could be adapted to Daily Life as opposed to Weekly life, I agree.

      Or, you know, maybe just a bigger pool of random events that could happen each week as determined by some user generated setting. One for those who don't care for them, upwards of five for people who love them. I'd really like that. Maybe when we actually get more events?

      I cross my fingers and hope something happens at work during the week and almost nothing does. Promotions are one thing, and dealing with stress is another, but... something more substantial. Choices of jobs would be good, too... maybe not at the start if that's all your friend can find for you, but perhaps later?

      And, seriously, I can increase my physical stats now, but I still can't take down a mugger? How about being able to handle him better due to military training or... you know: Stuff.

      Cursed has been stalled out for months, and I agree Newlife's sex is way better. I'm one of those few people who'd like more transformations but I don't need them as I expect great things from this game... If nothing else, I just want more of what this game proposes to offer...

      Though, I do feel like not being able to take a mugger sort of falls on a bad gender stereotype that I'd like to kick in the balls...

    6. In all fairness most people don't win against muggers. That's why they are muggers. They are either big enough, crazy enough, or drugged out enough to be really dangerous in a fight. Even if you manage to drive them off you normally are hurt. And it's worse for women who are normally smaller and have muscles that aren't built the same way as males even if they are of comparable size especially if they are unarmed. Now give the girl a gun or some mace or something the tables turn a bit. Hell skeeter spray works well as the poor mans pepper spray.

    7. Pepper Spray/Mace would be good, but I feel like I need to disagree. Besides that I don't think muggers are all that common in most places, I know plenty of women more able than myself who could take a mugger. Essentially, in a game with stats, I don't like the idea you can automatically *not* do something.

    8. I think in a world of mechano-cribs and transformation machines that there's room to be creative with anti-mugging measures. Why use something as simple and effective as pepper spray when the player could enlist Ivy to whip up an experimental pacification device that hasn't been tested on humans, but has been shown to subdue an orangutan in a labratory environment in under 1.5 seconds, with paradoxical reactions resulting in explosive simian rage occuring in under 4% of trial uses.

    9. Maybe like a compromise of sorts? Perhaps like an option in Mutations to enable transformation events? that way, people who want it can have it, and people who dont, dont have to deal with it

    10. Huh, it seems I never replied to this one. Oops.

      In short:
      I might add some minor in-game transformation as part of the storyline change. Hair colour or breast size are possible. Changing your race won't be - it'd be too much of an immersion breaker when npcs didn't comment on it. Non-human transformation is definitely out - far too much complexity there and I'm lately getting concerned that it'll be difficult to finish the game by 2017-2018 even with just the core content.

      I don't plan to convert it to daily play. The game's designed around a weekly cycle to allow things like promotions and pregnancy to progress in a semi-realistic timeframe without it taking too long for the player.
      Random events will tend to get a bit more common as more get added, but there's a limit of one event per time-slot.

      The fight option in the mugging scene does have a chance of success but it won't be possible to guarantee victory until the martial arts skill gets added - right now it's one third of your fitness skill as a percentage chance to beat him.

  30. Love the game! If you need help writing I can help contribute.

    1. Thanks, I have a bunch of things on my list to do first, like a proper FAQ, but at some point I'll be writing a guide for submissions.
      The way the game works though, with the code and text heavily interwoven,, it's only fairly simple ones that'll be realistic - things like alternative text for existing actions or maybe new single-turn actions for existing scenes.

  31. Is it possible that we'll have the choice eventually to be able to switch to a day to day life cycle rather than a weekly one? There's just so much more you could implement with a system like that, being able to micromanage your character's interests better. Like say if I wanted to dash to the store to pick up something nice before a big date, rather than only having the option to do so on the weekend and after said date? Being able to live a more flexible life in multitasking what I can do within the week sounds more fun as well, because I'm sure most girls could go to the gym regularly and yet still squeeze in a dance lesson or two all in a few days.

    1. Afraid not, the game's designed for a weekly schedule and there'd be issues with things like promotions and pregnancy with a daily one, not to mention that it'd be a fairly massive piece of work.

  32. Just had a play with the new non-patreon release.

    I will say that Horse falls into one of my categories of "interest" and I wasn't disappointed; I can't wait for him have more content!

    Although can it be clearer, or be more distinct, about how well endowed he is? I'm not sure how much work it would be to add an extra size* (i.e 'massive') to the cock sizes, or even if you have something like that planned; but it would make Horse even more special!

    But loving the game non the less! : )

    *By that I mean description text in "Describe People" etc, rather the text you get when you examine Horse's cock in the Gym scene.

    1. I'd rather not add a new size trait for him because that sort of thing gets referenced in a lot of places. Not only is it a lot of work to put in, but it'd mean taking it into account for all the future scenes that have text regarding that part of the anatomy.
      At the moment, I'm concerned that the planned complexity is a bit much for when I'm hoping to complete the game, so I'm afraid I'm not likely to take many suggestions for sexual traits.

      However, by all means suggest this again when the core content is done. Once it's nearing the final version I'll have another think about this sort of change, because it would be a nice addition to the game if there is time to add it.

    2. No worries, I completely understand!

      Better get the core content completed then get sidetracked by extra additions all the time. I've seen too many projects that have suffered from project bloat and have ended up half-finished.

      Plus, I've seen/heard what some of the planned updates already are (Which all sound pretty cool) so it's not like you're short of work to do!

      Keep up the fantastic work! : )
