Saturday, 31 December 2016

Newlife 0.4.2: PMW release with anal sex

Hello everyone!

Version 0.4.2 of Newlife is finished and I've released it on Patreon. Early-access Patrons can find it in the creations section here. The changelog is below.

The previous version is now public. You can download it using the links on the right-hand side of the blog. The public version's changelog is here.
As a special Xmas/New-Year bonus, I gave patrons the option to vote on whether the patreon version of 0.4.1 should be made public. They overwhelmingly voted in favour and so thanks to them you'll get to enjoy the patreon version of that release. Why not show your appreciation by thanking a patron, worshipping them as a living god, or offering yourself up to them for use as a sex slave?

As usual, saved files & templates from older versions probably won't work with newer ones. 

For new players - just use one of the links to the right to get a zipfile containing Newlife. Once unzipped, you'll see a folder containing .jar and .exe files. Either one of these will run the game. 

For either version you'll need to have Java installed. A lot of programs use Java so you might well already have it. If the jar shows up as an unrecognised file type, then you probably don't. In that case you can get it from
The exe should tell you if you don't have the right version on your computer, but you'll still need to install java to run the game.
There's a guide for new players here which includes some troubleshooting tips for installation & downloading.

This is the PMW release which adds anal sex. If you don't like that sort of content then you can disable it in the options.

Here's the full changelog for this version:

Major changes & additions:
  • Added an anal sex scene. Thanks to Unknown, Kinezera, G.C Jin, Argesh & Karanya for helping come up with dialogue lines for the NPC for this oneas well as the Inner Circle group for their help & advice.
  • Updated various existing scenes with anal content.
Minor changes & bugfixes:
  • Fixes to text issues. Thanks to Hunter Green and Cubano for reporting problems they found.
  • Fixed a bug reported by NotYou where automatic outfit creation in the wardrobe screen wasn't adding legwear to automatically-created outfits. There is now a 50% chance for legwear to be added to each such outfit, assuming suitable clothing exists.
  • You can no longer ask your partner to be more gentle during sex if you asked him to be rough with you (unless you first get him to stop being rough).
  • Reduced the price of many clothing items.
  • Increased starting money by 100 for all characters.
  • Increased the ambitious bonus to starting money up fom 150 to 200.
  • Some minor text improvements to existing sex scenes where new content for the anal one also worked in them.
  • If your partner says something insulting to you during sex when you hadn't asked him to treat you mean then some possible reactions will now flag your character as being annoyed with him for the rest of that sexual encounter. This gives you a bonus to the willpower check for ending sex and makes it easier to use the action where you insult him back: this is no longer entirely restricted to bitchy characters, although it's still much easier for them to access.
  • Added a new option that disables anal content. The default is for this content to be available so if you dislike anal then you should change it in the options screen when you download this version. This should block all anal content: not just the anal sex scene but also references to it in other places. If you still see a mention of anal sex when it should be disabled then that's a bug - in that case please report it to me.
  • Renamed the "Go Shopping" activity to "Shop for clothes".
  • Anal sex lube can be bought when shopping in town via the "shop for your flat" activity. Lube will not be available if you've disabled anal content in the options.
  • Added some anal content to the adult films you can watch at the porn cinema.
  • Added some anal options to the malfunctioning couch demonstration scene with your boss.
  • New NPC trait: LIKES_ANAL. This is available for custom NPCs.
  • New player trait: LIKES_ANAL.
Enjoy the new version, and let me know if you find any bugs! 


  1. I'm liking the progress on this game. Good job - but don't burn yourself out either.

    Shouldn't the PC be packing condoms with her when she goes to the bar, if she's purchased them already? It doesn't make sense for her to not have them at the bar - unless she has the forgetful trait, or likes bare sex and fails a will check, or something like that. The text where she's surprised not to find any condoms in her purse would be interesting too. Regardless, not having access to them, after going out of your way to get them at the doctor's office when they're available at the corner drug store, seems silly to me.

    1. is this a scene in the game? I'm missing something. Anyhow, given you cannot initiate sex from either bar scene (sophisticated/party) currently, it's a non-issue.

      Did you mean club? In which case, eh. Sounds like something to add given "Improved Pregnancy" is what is going on.

    2. In the bar, a man with the sleazy trait can take the PC into the bathroom stalls for a makeout session. The PC can ask for a condom but the man may not have one - but even though the PC can have a stack of condoms at home from having bought them from the doctor, she never takes any out with her? Feels wierd.

      A sleazy man can also, on a date, pull the PC into an alley for a similar makeout session (again, the PC never brings any condoms with her). Given the similarities, they probably use the same code blocks too.

  2. Yay for free patron versions while I'm strictly non-Patron! I'll get back there for a few months eventually.

  3. I'm very happy this release came today, as I will be a non-patron for a few days since they always charge on the 1st, and I get paid on the 3rd...

  4. Any hint as to how we get the new scene started? I alternate between being unable to get the "Suggest" option to pop up and having the men turn it down when it does.

    1. First, make sure you're using the updated version 0.4.2.b that I released about 5 minutes ago with bugfixes (if you're a non-patron reading this when 0.4.3 is out, then don't worry - the public version is labelled 0.4.2 but it's the same version as 0.4.2.b.

      Second, men will always accept if the have the likes_anal trait, always refuse with prefers_sex and have a chance of refusing if they have neither. Men without the prefers_sex trait can also initiate it themselves although this is rare unless they have likes_anal.

      Third: the suggest_anal action requires you to be ready for sex: this is the same arousal threshold used for the "tell him you're ready" action. You must both be sufficiently undressed for penetration (i.e no underwear, skirt pulled up, his cock out etc).

      Fourth, neither of you must have refused anal previously in that scene-chain, and anal must not be disabled in the options.

      Hope that fixes it for you. Have fun!

  5. It's a matter of running into men without the Prefers Sex, Impregnator or Likes Oral traits. If you just want to see the scenes, make your PC have the Like Anal trait, and make sure you're using the cheat Psychic so you can find an NPC with the Likes Anal trait as well.

    1. Oh, thank you. Are those 3 the only conflicting ones for this?

    2. Prefers Sex, Likes Oral and Likes Anal are Opposing traits, and you can only have one active on an NPC. Impregnator conflicts with Likes Oral and Likes Anal, as those options do not have pregnancy chances. Keep in mind, an Impregnator does not need to have Prefers Sex, and can accept to have Anal... but if you don't have lube on hand and offer to use "natural lubrication"... expect an Impreg NPC to act according to that trait.

    3. I must still be something wrong because I'm still not seeing the option. Before I was seeing it and it simply never took, but now I'm not seeing it at all. Are there other conditions for it to activate? Certain positions? Virginity? Location?

    4. You have to be sufficiently aroused (I always have the "Always wet" trait enabled). Not sure for anything past that...

  6. I think I've found a bug with the new scene. Choosing any option other than 'use your own juices' bounces me back to making out with no text saying what happened.

    1. Thanks! I've put out an updated version with fixes - check on patreon for the download.

  7. Wowzers! Such a nice surprise! Guess this one goes to the people who think patrons are heartless people who don't share cheats :P

    While I'm here, could you someone tell me a few things about some events? The wiki is not updated.

    Whats the fourth event with the sales girl? She gets pregnant or something? So far I've only gotten meeting her, telling her to stay in job and then telling her she needs sex (followed by finding someone for that). What is required to get the fourth scene? Also what was the new socialisation scene added in 0.4.0? Can't get this one to happen.

    Thanks from now.

    1. There are four events with the sales colleague, but you can't see them all in one playthrough:
      - First is the introduction event when you first meet her.
      - Second is the decision event where you influence whether she stays in the job or quits.
      - Event 3a is if she stays in the job: you run into her when she's having a bad day.
      - Event 3b is if she quits: you meet her on the bus and hear about how things are going for her.

      0.4.0's new event is a fairly specific one:
      - You must have a male friend and at least one female friend that they're attracted to. The attraction check isn't especially hard but might be an issue if the female friend is plain. The requirement for two friends means this scene is unavailable for shy characters.
      - The male friend must be ugly and not charming, toned, muscular or boastful
      - Your friend status towards him must not be bad
      - You must not have had sex with him and your relationship status cannot be "dating".
      - He must not be in love with you. For romantic men this is strengthened so that he can't be at "confused" love level or above.
      - As with all socialisation events, it'll only trigger when you're using the "hang out with friends" action.

  8. Would it be possible/convenient for you to add an option to sort clothes by their stats in the store? Like by naughty/cute and elegant/casual

    1. I'm not planning much in the way of UI changes at the moment, other than experimenting with options to completely replace the UI.

  9. Gonna ask here, because I'm temporarily not a patron (until I get paid on the 3rd (This is HunterGreen, btw).

    Can NPCs start the Anal scenes on their own volition? I've had no luck getting one to initiate, and even custom NPCs I've given LIKES_ANAL haven't taken their shot at my Shy, Posh, or Sultry women... all of them in variations of Loves Anal and without.

    Second Question: Do NPCs ever pullout when asked to? (Anal scenes, not regular sex)

    1. The answer to both should be yes. The weight for the action to initiate anal is the same for an NPC with likes_anal as the weight for initiating oral is for one with likes_oral. I guess it'll be a bit rarer though because the conditions are more restrictive - perhaps the weight should be bumped up a bit.
      The key conditions are:
      - Anal isn't disallowed (obviously)
      - Clothing allows for penetration (same condition as the pc asking for anal)
      - He isn't on the verge of penetrating you (if the "move his cock away" action is available then he won't start anal - take the action to get back to a situation where he can.
      - Doesn't have preferred sex. Also disabled for impregnators if the PC isn't pregnant.

      Pullout requests have a simpler calculation than in the other sex scenes because there's no pregnancy to take into account:
      - the mean behaviour will make him refuse (this behaviour is usually used by Jerk NPCs and ones who dislike you).
      - The cold behaviour will also make him refuse if his liking towards you is either neutral or disliked. Cold is most often used by selfish NPCs, but some others can use it: in particular average NPCs towards complete strangers.

    2. Thanks, I'll give it a few more tries tonight and see if I can't get it to happen... I love this update, and I'm normally turned off by the idea of anal sex...

    3. Ran over fifty different scenarios tonight with NPCs who just like anal, and none of them would initiate anal scenes. Do you need to have lube at the house for it?

    4. I ran a quick test where I multiplied the action weight by 1000 and the guy immediately tried to initiate it as soon as the conditions were met, so there doesn't seem to be a bug there.

      Note the "clothing allows for penetration" check though: this means his cock must be out and your lower-body clothing & underwear must have been removed or exposed sufficiently to allow penetration - this is the same check used for whether he can initiate non-anal sex. It means he won't try for anal at the start of the scene until clothes start coming off.

      The rough version of his action has its weight halved in some conditions if he doesn't have the mean behaviour and neither of you have lube. Lube isn't checked in the hard true/false conditions though.
      I'll increase the action weight for next release, so it should show up a bit more often then.

    5. Finally got it to trigger, no idea what I did differently, it just all of a sudden worked fine. The Likes Anal NPC is still not doing it often, but it's popped up about 1/5th of the time I've had my PC do stuff with him.

  10. Bug: When you're making out with a guy and he suggests anal but there's no lube, if you have lube and mention it, the scene resets to making out rather than progressing to anal sex. This happens regardless of whether he suggests anal or you do.

    1. Make sure you have the updated version that SO released, you can find it on the Patreon page.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Is there a new custom charcter creator available? I have an older version that doesn't have the "likes anal" trait to tick. Can't get anyone to rump my girl up the jacksy.

    1. I haven't heard of one, but you'd need to check with the people who make them to be sure. You can always edit the yml files in a text editor: just add LIKES_ANAL as an extra entry in the traits section.

    2. Actually I just checked the blogs and it looks like Finbarsextilius has an updated version already - some fast work there. That's at

    3. Excellent mate. Thankyou, and good work on a strangely addictive game.

  13. Is there a way to make custom clothing types?

    1. Although, SO input on this would be interesting.

      From my basic understanding of the clothing system, it may eventually be possible to create custom clothes sans dresses due to how they are handled. But I could be misundestanding and mishmashing the many posts I have read.

    2. There's no way at present.

      I wouldn't entirely rule out a yml-based custom clothing system, but there are some major barriers there and I feel that the benefits are much lower than for custom NPCs.

      The key issue is that any custom system could only support clothing items that would already work with the current clothing & outfit systems. Attempting to add ones that wouldn't would lead to odd or nonsensical interactions & descriptions.

      However, if an article of clothing would work under the current system then it seems like it'd be more beneficial to have it as a default item in the base game rather than taking the significant amount of development time to add a custom system so individual players could add it themselves.

      As such, if there are clothing items people want to see that would work with the current code then I recommend they post them as change requests in a blog comment, forum post, or post on Patreon. There are many such requests I've had to say "no" or "not yet" to, but those are invariably ones that wouldn't fit into the current system as custom clothing either.

  14. Great work as always, SP. I usually play as a "good girl" and devoted girlfriend, so I recently played through as a bitchy, slutty character and I have a question for you.

    The sleazy client that you get sent to, is there only a blowjob scene with him? and maybe if/when you add new careers you could do something like, if you have sucked the sleazy dude off x times, he could offer you a job either as a replacement for his slutty secretary or maybe something else like a maid? since his encounter is at his home?

    It was just an idea, but I thought it could be a way to introduce a new job with an already established character, so you wouldn't have to try and find how to work in a new character because of a new job.

    1. It's possible to have sex with him at his home. Newlife's careers are intended to all have large quantities of unique content, so I won't be adding another until the Work major update gets voted in. There will be a PA path in the office job, but it'll have a new set of NPCs and probably won't involve the same characters as the sales one.

  15. The game is a bit short for me. I feel that the game should extend to 3 years or at least a custom amount. I barely started a relationship with someone when the game just ended. I enjoy the role play element of game so I enjoy taking this a bit slower like a person normally would rather than get sex crazy. If it is at all possible to get this.

    1. If you sub to his patreon, you can get the versions with cheats (the current public release is the last patreon version as a Christmas gift, it isn't normally with cheats). There you can set it to however many weeks you want (I usually go for 10 years for testing scenes and stuff). It's really worth it at $5 a month, and I actually recommend going up to $10 so you can vote on upcoming content. I planning on resubbing tomorrow (I have to cancel for a few days as their charging system charges on the 1st, and I get paid on the 3rd)

    2. Thanks CtrlAltDelicious!

      Also, the current public version of 0.4.1 has the cheats as well as an Xmas treat - go to the Advanced tab in character creation and you can change the end date.

      I do plan to allow post-ending gameplay without cheats as part of the 0.5 update once marriage is added. However, the game will always be balanced around 52-weeks for things like skill increases and so on.

    3. Shut up and take my money! (sorry for the meme)

    4. I think that may be the first time I've seen that and actually thought that they were paying. Good on you, sir!

  16. Hey splendid, I have a suggestion. Can you add jackets to the game? I think it would be good to put more "casual" clothes to the game so please consider it :)

    1. Hi, the clothing system is one of the more complicated parts of the game and has a tendency to be quite awkward: both in terms of adding new content and for players creating outfits.

      As such, I don't intend to add any new clothing slots to the game. Adding jackets as an extra layer on top of the upper-body clothing slot is therefore out.

      I suppose it would be possible to add jackets as an upper-body item, but in that case the pc would only be able to wear a bra underneath, not a top, t-shirt, blouse or similar. That might seem a little odd to players.

      There also isn't a top-type for upper-body clothing that zips down the front which would also limit the range of jacket items that could go in the game. Adding new top-types isn't as large a change as adding a new item slot would be, but it's still fairly substantical and I think the next such change really has to be t-shirt style tops rather than anything else.

    2. Yeah, I understand that it must be hard to make a new slot, especially with new undressing options and all. Though t-shirts are also fine. I just felt like the game's lacking some casual clothes and it should be good to get some new t-shirts.

  17. I just experienced the Tanya event chain and hot damn, that's some good stuff there. I find myself wanting more of the stuff along those lines, but am content to wait for it.

    Along other lines though, do you think it would be possible to have an option to take a shower as part of the date options? It seems kind of fun, freshening yourself up and walking out in a towel or robe or something.

    1. The clothing system wouldn't handle towels or dressing-gowns at the moment, so I'll have to say no for now. If those get added as clothing items then it'd be a possibility.

  18. Porn Cinema? When was that added?

    1. Been there a while. Go on a date with a Sleazy NPC, and you can end up going to a Porn Movie (has it's own scenes and actions), or an adult store (also has a couple of scenes). I'm particularly a fan of the adult store with a boastful NPC and a low self esteem PC.

    2. Oh okay, I think I remember those scenes, I guess I just haven't played in a while to remember.

  19. Does someone know what are the triggers for sex scenes in black-jack game? One is between the female NPC & male NPC (I've managed to trigger it once or twice but cannot figure out the exact conditions), and the second one I believe is between the PC & male NPC - SO mentioned that the PC must have high arousal & offer makeout as a forfeit, but besides that? I cannot find a way to trigger that scene... :(

    1. you need to be doing makeout forfeit and be really turned on. And both have to be naked of course.

      It is really 'hard' to get that turned on in the party setup. I know S.O. was considering making it easier, not sure how that has ended up.

    2. It's still on the todo list somewhere for re-balancing.
