Friday, 12 October 2018

Some rare events - have you seen them all?

Hi all!

My concept for Newlife is as a game with lots of hidden little paths and secrets, so someone can play it a bunch of times and still sometimes be surprised by new content.

This also means it's possible for a player to miss some quite interesting paths or events. I recently replied to a PM over on Patreon with some tips on how to get to some content that I think is both quite fun and potentially easy to miss.

Anyway, I think this might be handy to put as a blog post so the rest of you can read it. This isn't intended as a complete list of content though - just a guide for a few of my favourite rare scenes.

If you're a new player then you should ignore this and just go play the game! Live out some of your own stories before worrying about sorting out the exact conditions for a rare scene. It isn't possible to see all of Newlife's content in a single game, so just pick whatever character appeals to you most and see where their story goes.

Anyway, four missable scenes:

1: The "bitchy helps her impregnator friend" aka the Tanya event. Despite being quite a popular event, it has rather specific conditions:
- The PC must be either Bitchy or Cunning; she cannot be Nice.
- She must have a friend (not the boyfriend) with the Impregnator trait.
- He must not be Boastful.
- Their friendship status must be higher than "Bad".
- The event has some timing conditions based on the PC's pregnancy. To see it more easily avoid getting pregnant.

2: The 'sabotage' path for the dance contest.
- The PC must have the bitchy trait to be allowed to cheat.
- Study Fashion until you have a high level (or use a skillful cheat or character background to being with a high level)
- Study dance until you get a chance to compete in a weekend competition.
- Choose the Solo tournament.
- Choose "Nobble the competition" (i.e. cheat)
- Choose Sabotage.
- Success chance is based on your fashion skill.

3: Turning the tables on the jerk friend.
- Get a boyfriend who does not have the Doormat or Likes-to-share traits, is not a Jerk or Selfish, and is not the special NPC "Horse".
- Your character must have some love and liking towards him. This is usually easy but avoid the Aromantic and Picky traits.
- Wait until his jerk friend shows up. Reject his advances but don't tell your boyfriend what happened.
- He will continue trying to seduce you in various future events. Reject him each time.
- Eventually, there'll be a scene where your character is frustrated at him continually hassling her. Choose "Deal with him" and then "Ivy can help".
- Visit Ivy on the weekend. Ask for her help and go along with her plan.

4: The treasure-hunter's rival seeks her ultimate revenge
- Get a friend with the Interesting trait. He must be a friend at this point and not your boyfriend. Choose a non-selfish man who does not have the cold-hearted trait.
- Eventually a treasure-hunting event will fire. This has various potential outcomes.
- Once he's invited you treasure-hunting, make him your boyfriend. The initial event needs him to be a non-bf friend, but repeat versions can trigger if he's your partner.
- It'll be most interesting if you actually find the treasure on one of these jaunts: look behind a concealed door.
- Get him to fall in love with you. You should also avoid getting pregnant as this could set you down an alternative path.
- A special treasure-hunting event will fire. Go meet your bf and proceed with the search.
- You'll get to a point where you can chase the rival. Either try but fail (due to low fitness, taking the "head her off" choice for a perceptive+forgetful character, wearing a long skirt) or just choose "give up"
- After failing to catch her, follow the next actions. Don't click too fast as the default actions will not put you down the path you want.
- You'll get to a choice. Pick "Yes she does". This is the 2nd option, not the default one, so be careful clicking that enter key.


  1. In the treasure-hunting event string, how do you trigger the special event? I assume it's not the variant where he proposes via treasure hunt, because the rival doesn't appear in that event.
    For that matter, I haven't seen the rival at all in any of the half-dozen treasure hunt events in my last playthrough. Is there some perk that blocks her?

    1. Hi, I've had another look over the code and there's something I missed when writing the post - the rival will only appear in the proposal scene if she's been encountered before.

      To encounter the rival in the normal treasure-hunting scene, you need to actually get your hands on the treasure. To do this you need to take the "concealed door" path which is often not available - it's more common for characters with the Perceptive trait. When available it appears in the same place as the more common water-tower and factory choices.

      You also need to pass a challenge to get to the treasure. This can be done with a decent fitness skill (30+ or less if the man is strong) or by being slim and not visibly-pregnant or by the man being skinny.

      Once the rival is encountered there's some further options, but it doesn't really matter if you're successful or not from the POV of seeing her again - as long as she's appeared you'll be able to run into her in the proposal event.

      The best approach to ensure the special proposal path would be to befriend but not date the treasure-hunter with a perceptive character and a long time-limit for the game and not start a relationship with him until you get the treasure.

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